Jamie Ortiz

Jamie Ortiz Email and Phone Number

Custodian @ Waller Isd
waller, texas, united states

Jamie Ortiz's Current Company Details


Waller Isd

waller, texas, united states
Primary/secondary Education

Jamie Ortiz Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Jamie Ortiz

What company does Jamie Ortiz work for?

Jamie Ortiz works for Waller Isd

What is Jamie Ortiz's role in his/her workplace?

Jamie Ortiz's role in his/her workplace is Custodian.

Which industry does Jamie Ortiz work in currently?

Jamie Ortiz works in the industry Primary/Secondary Education.

Who are Jamie Ortiz's colleagues?

Jamie Ortiz's colleagues are Vicki Mcguire, Vicki Mcguire, Sonya Kyles, Sonya Kyles, Anthony Smith, Anthony Smith, Meagan Cassidy, Meagan Cassidy, Moriah Foster, Moriah Foster, and Alyssa Gonzalez. and Wayne Pierce.

Who are Jamie Ortiz's peers at other companies?

Jamie Ortiz's peers at other companies are Ajay Bhatia, Jorge Vidal, Mick Pedersen, Afreen Gouse, Rosario Chayo, and Felicity Marlow. and Matthew Trombone. Jamie Ortiz's peers at other companies are Ajay Bhatia, Jorge Vidal, Mick Pedersen, Afreen Gouse, Rosario Chayo, and Felicity Marlow. and Matthew Trombone.