James Smitherman

James Smitherman Email and Phone Number

pittsburgh, pennsylvania, united states

James Smitherman's Contact Details

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James Smitherman's Current Company Details


United States Steel Corporation

pittsburgh, pennsylvania, united states
Mining & Metals

James Smitherman Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about James Smitherman

What company does James Smitherman work for?

James Smitherman works for United States Steel Corporation

What is James Smitherman's role in his/her workplace?

James Smitherman's role in his/her workplace is Expediter.

Which industry does James Smitherman work in currently?

James Smitherman works in the industry Mining & Metals.

What is James Smitherman's email address?

James Smitherman's email address is jsmitherman@uss.com

What is James Smitherman's direct phone number?

James Smitherman's direct phone number is +12054618282

Who are James Smitherman's colleagues?

James Smitherman's colleagues are April Littleton, April Littleton, Dennis Franklin, Dennis Franklin, Steve Howard, Steve Howard, Steve Hutchinson, Steve Hutchinson, Derrick Johnson, Derrick Johnson, and Maximilian Popovich. and John Derry.

Who are James Smitherman's peers at other companies?

James Smitherman's peers at other companies are Yeliz Agca, Johnniscler Brito, Jignesh Kumar, Nick Feros, Murat Degirmenci, and Audrey Maruping. and Jordanha Targino. James Smitherman's peers at other companies are Yeliz Agca, Johnniscler Brito, Jignesh Kumar, Nick Feros, Murat Degirmenci, and Audrey Maruping. and Jordanha Targino.