Jake Mcduffee

Jake Mcduffee Email and Phone Number

Literacy Coach @ Perry Township Schools
indianapolis, indiana, united states

Jake Mcduffee's Current Company Details


Perry Township Schools

Literacy Coach
indianapolis, indiana, united states
Higher Education

Jake Mcduffee Work Experience

  • perryschools.org
    Third Grade Teacher
    Perry Township Schools Aug 02 - Jul 09 · 6 yrs 11 mos
    Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
    I taught third graders.
  • perryschools.org
    Literacy Coach
    Perry Township Schools Aug 09 - Present · 15 yrs 5 mos
    Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
    I work with multiple small groups of students teaching literacy. I also work with four to five teachers a year to help them problem solve in their literacy instruction.

Jake Mcduffee Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Jake Mcduffee

What company does Jake Mcduffee work for?

Jake Mcduffee works for Perry Township Schools

What is Jake Mcduffee's role in his/her workplace?

Jake Mcduffee's role in his/her workplace is Literacy Coach.

Which industry does Jake Mcduffee work in currently?

Jake Mcduffee works in the industry Higher Education.

What is Jake Mcduffee's email address?

Jake Mcduffee's email address is jake.mcduffee@gmail.com

What is Jake Mcduffee's direct phone number?

Jake Mcduffee's direct phone number is +13173455819

What schools did Jake Mcduffee attend?

Jake Mcduffee attended Carmel High School, Carmel High School. Walden University, Walden University. Purdue University, Purdue University. and Walden University.

Who are Jake Mcduffee's colleagues?

Jake Mcduffee's colleagues are Edward Fokken, Edward Fokken, Natalie Sayers-Pettit, Natalie Sayers-Pettit, Doug Smith, Doug Smith, Karl Kraus, Karl Kraus, Mindy Waugh, Mindy Waugh, and Robert King. and Kirby Schott.

Who are Jake Mcduffee's peers at other companies?

Jake Mcduffee's peers at other companies are Demitrice Whaley, Johandry Córdova, Rhinehart Alycia, Muzaffer Erdoğan, Eric Porras, and Kelly Aguirre. and Hal Weitzman. Jake Mcduffee's peers at other companies are Demitrice Whaley, Johandry Córdova, Rhinehart Alycia, Muzaffer Erdoğan, Eric Porras, and Kelly Aguirre. and Hal Weitzman.