Jacqueline Roy

Jacqueline Roy Email and Phone Number

france, aquitaine, france

Jacqueline Roy's Contact Information

Jacqueline Roy work email

Jacqueline Roy personal email

Jacqueline Roy phone numbers

Jacqueline Roy's Current Company Details


Ecole Jeannine Manuel

france, aquitaine, france
Primary/secondary Education

Jacqueline Roy Work Experience

Jacqueline Roy Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Jacqueline Roy

What company does Jacqueline Roy work for?

Jacqueline Roy works for Ecole Jeannine Manuel

What is Jacqueline Roy's role in his/her workplace?

Jacqueline Roy's role in his/her workplace is Educator.

Which industry does Jacqueline Roy work in currently?

Jacqueline Roy works in the industry Primary/Secondary Education.

What is Jacqueline Roy's email address?

Jacqueline Roy's email address is jacqueline.roy@gemseducation.com

What is Jacqueline Roy's direct phone number?

Jacqueline Roy's direct phone number is +12078990490

What schools did Jacqueline Roy attend?

Jacqueline Roy attended University Of Southern Maine, University Of Southern Maine. Portland State University, Portland State University. and Portland State University.

Who are Jacqueline Roy's colleagues?

Jacqueline Roy's colleagues are Camille Duquesne, Camille Duquesne, Eleanor Jervis, Eleanor Jervis, Angelina Sturza, Angelina Sturza, Tom Faure, Tom Faure, Bernard Manuel, Bernard Manuel, and Magali Montes. and Andrea Bukta.

Who are Jacqueline Roy's peers at other companies?

Jacqueline Roy's peers at other companies are Karl Berry, Vincent Naples, Ana Rojas, Sara Perry, Jakhona Umarova, and Paulina Castorena-Villarreal. and Meine Van Der Graaf. Jacqueline Roy's peers at other companies are Karl Berry, Vincent Naples, Ana Rojas, Sara Perry, Jakhona Umarova, and Paulina Castorena-Villarreal. and Meine Van Der Graaf.