Jacklyn Belmonte

Jacklyn Belmonte Email and Phone Number

Technical And Training Consultant @ Kepro
nashville, tennessee, united states

Jacklyn Belmonte's Contact Details

Jacklyn Belmonte work email

Jacklyn Belmonte personal email

Jacklyn Belmonte phone numbers

Jacklyn Belmonte's Current Company Details



Technical And Training Consultant
nashville, tennessee, united states
Hospital & Health Care
Accomplished professional with broad experience and a history of success in consulting, municipal government, training, software development, and mortgage banking. Dedicated team player with proven management skills. Ability to successfully communicate with staff and all levels of management. Employs resourceful and creative approaches to solving business needs.

Jacklyn Belmonte Work Experience

  • kepro.com
    Owner And Success Strategist
    Shoreline Strategies Aug 14 - Jan 17 · 2 yrs 5 mos
    Provided economic and workforce development services, marketing and business coaching to municipalities, nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, and small businessesWrote applications and procured local and state grantsRedesigned and maintained websitesCreated and maintained social media pages
  • kepro.com
    Deputy Economic Development Director
    City Of Stamford Ct Feb 12 - Jul 14 · 2 yrs 5 mos
    Assisted ED Director with retention and recruitment of businesses to Stamford (pop. 122,000) Procured state and federal grants totaling $3,200,000 Determined best use for businesses and potential development areas Completed RFIs for potential business relocations
  • kepro.com
    Economic Development And Tourism Director
    Town Of Guilford Ct Mar 09 - Apr 12 · 3 yrs 1 mo
    Member of Senior Management team responsible for retention and recruitment of business and tourism to Guilford (pop. 24,000) Created department infrastructure including collateral material, website, e-newsletter, brochures, economic development newsletter Oversaw relocation/expansion of 20+ businesses Represented Town government in multiple regional organizations Conceptualized plan and obtained grant to redevelop downtown area
  • kepro.com
    Manager, Training And Quality
    Kepro Jun 18 - Sep 19 · 1 yr 3 mos
    Nashville, Tennessee, United States
    Monitored and audited compliance activities to ensure contract and URAC adherenceCreated training materials to include new hire, remedial, and policy/process change modules Developed and provided training for HIPAA/ HITECH compliance with established Federal/State protocols Served as local Privacy Officer
  • kepro.com
    Senior Manager, Education Development
    Hyperion Solutions Jun 98 - Nov 08 · 10 yrs 5 mos
    United States
    * Directed all aspects of curriculum development for internal, partner and client training in instructor-led, computer-based and virtual media Created virtual training in response to travel restrictions after 9/11 Senior Technical Writer Created instructor-led, web-based, and virtual classroom training material for employees and clients Senior Quality Assurance Engineer Evaluated operational and performance requirements Created automated test scripts to increase efficiencies Show less
  • kepro.com
    Development Specialist
    Southern Maine Health Care Jun 17 - Jan 18 · 7 mos
    Biddeford, Maine, United States
    Executed yearly fundraising eventCreated new fundraising initiativesProcessed and acknowledged donors for donations and in-kind giftsSupported Auxiliary events, including soliciting community support for sponsorships and donations

Jacklyn Belmonte Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Jacklyn Belmonte

What company does Jacklyn Belmonte work for?

Jacklyn Belmonte works for Kepro

What is Jacklyn Belmonte's role in his/her workplace?

Jacklyn Belmonte's role in his/her workplace is Technical And Training Consultant.

Which industry does Jacklyn Belmonte work in currently?

Jacklyn Belmonte works in the industry Hospital & Health Care.

What is Jacklyn Belmonte's email address?

Jacklyn Belmonte's email address is jab63061@gmail.com

What is Jacklyn Belmonte's direct phone number?

Jacklyn Belmonte's direct phone number is +12034423299

What schools did Jacklyn Belmonte attend?

Jacklyn Belmonte attended Hartt School Of Music, Hartt School Of Music. Manhattanville College, Manhattanville College. and Rochester Institute Of Technology.

Who are Jacklyn Belmonte's colleagues?

Jacklyn Belmonte's colleagues are Mary Jaeger, Mary Jaeger, Christine Blyweiss, Christine Blyweiss, Becky Rosheim, Becky Rosheim, Mary Nguyen, Mary Nguyen, Tita Dones, Tita Dones, and Lynn Malm. and Lori Kimble.

Who are Jacklyn Belmonte's peers at other companies?

Jacklyn Belmonte's peers at other companies are Ashley Parent, Pille Konno, Ajp Kelly Dougan, Nanda Akkerman, Dorian Herceg, and Michele Mccarthy. and Susan Harris. Jacklyn Belmonte's peers at other companies are Ashley Parent, Pille Konno, Ajp Kelly Dougan, Nanda Akkerman, Dorian Herceg, and Michele Mccarthy. and Susan Harris.