Jabulani Nkosi

Jabulani Nkosi Email and Phone Number

Accounting Bookkeeper @ Cell C
gauteng, south africa

Jabulani Nkosi's Contact Details

Jabulani Nkosi work email

Jabulani Nkosi personal email


Jabulani Nkosi phone numbers

Jabulani Nkosi's Current Company Details


Cell C

Accounting Bookkeeper
gauteng, south africa
Am looking for a job in Bookkeeping or Ap clerk skillscapturing invoices on Oraclepreparing supplier payment reconsfilling running reports work individually and in teamexcel vlook up and exportsGrade 4 to 12 Mathematics tutor

Jabulani Nkosi Work Experience

  • cellc.co.za
    Accounting Bookkeeper
    Cell C Apr 15 - Present · 9 yrs 10 mos
    Gauteng, South Africa
    capture invoices and reconciling accounts
  • cellc.co.za
    Financial Administrator
    Cell C Dec 09 - Jan 13 · 3 yrs 1 mo
    Gauteng, South Africa

Jabulani Nkosi Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Jabulani Nkosi

What company does Jabulani Nkosi work for?

Jabulani Nkosi works for Cell C

What is Jabulani Nkosi's role in his/her workplace?

Jabulani Nkosi's role in his/her workplace is Accounting Bookkeeper.

Which industry does Jabulani Nkosi work in currently?

Jabulani Nkosi works in the industry Telecommunications.

What is Jabulani Nkosi's email address?

Jabulani Nkosi's email address is jabulani.nkosi@cellc.co.za

What is Jabulani Nkosi's direct phone number?

Jabulani Nkosi's direct phone number is +27847772987

What schools did Jabulani Nkosi attend?

Jabulani Nkosi attended Jiyana Secondary School, Jiyana Secondary School. Jiyane High School, Jiyane High School. Jiyana Senior Secondary School, Jiyana Senior Secondary School. Jiyana High School, Jiyana High School. Phuthumani Primary School, Phuthumani Primary School. and University Of South Africa/universiteit Van Suid - Afrika.

Who are Jabulani Nkosi's colleagues?

Jabulani Nkosi's colleagues are Ntokozo Mngadi, Ntokozo Mngadi, Nhlanhla Mkwanazi, Nhlanhla Mkwanazi, Irwin Rietmuller, Irwin Rietmuller, Tzozo Titi, Tzozo Titi, Thabiso Maganedisa, Thabiso Maganedisa, and Nokwazi Dlamini. and Masixole Mbadu.

Who are Jabulani Nkosi's peers at other companies?

Jabulani Nkosi's peers at other companies are Derifa Ngoshi, Maurin Gomez, Rajesh Pandey, Andrei Rotaru, Karim Eltawansy, and Kenneth Rich. and Jens Henschel. Jabulani Nkosi's peers at other companies are Derifa Ngoshi, Maurin Gomez, Rajesh Pandey, Andrei Rotaru, Karim Eltawansy, and Kenneth Rich. and Jens Henschel.