Irene Santos

Irene Santos Email and Phone Number

bristol, connecticut, united states

Irene Santos's Contact Details

Irene Santos personal email

Irene Santos's Current Company Details


bristol, connecticut, united states
Broadcast Media
Oracle Developer at ESPN

Irene Santos Work Experience

    Espn End date missing
    Bristol, Connecticut, United States
    Bristol, Connecticut, United States

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Frequently Asked Questions about Irene Santos

What company does Irene Santos work for?

Irene Santos works for Espn

Which industry does Irene Santos work in currently?

Irene Santos works in the industry Broadcast Media.

What is Irene Santos's email address?

Irene Santos's email address is

Who are Irene Santos's colleagues?

Irene Santos's colleagues are Ernie Ritchie, Ernie Ritchie, Reina Kempt, Reina Kempt, David Cesler, David Cesler, Shawn Williams, Shawn Williams, Michelle London, Michelle London, and Kristen Smith. and Miles Desamour.

Who are Irene Santos's peers at other companies?

Irene Santos's peers at other companies are Jen Rosendahl, James Roche, Pandia Pandi, Deepak Kumar, Adrix Castillo, and Brandi Alston. and Leslie Knighton. Irene Santos's peers at other companies are Jen Rosendahl, James Roche, Pandia Pandi, Deepak Kumar, Adrix Castillo, and Brandi Alston. and Leslie Knighton.