Imtiaz Sipra

Imtiaz Sipra Email and Phone Number

Marketing Manager @ Online Buddies, Inc.
cambridge, massachusetts, united states

Imtiaz Sipra's Current Company Details

Online Buddies, Inc.

Marketing Manager
cambridge, massachusetts, united states

Imtiaz Sipra Work Experience

Frequently Asked Questions about Imtiaz Sipra

What company does Imtiaz Sipra work for?

Imtiaz Sipra works for Online Buddies, Inc.

What is Imtiaz Sipra's role in his/her workplace?

Imtiaz Sipra's role in his/her workplace is Marketing Manager.

Which industry does Imtiaz Sipra work in currently?

Imtiaz Sipra works in the industry Internet.

Who are Imtiaz Sipra's peers at other companies?

Imtiaz Sipra's peers at other companies are Mandel Oats, Judita Stankunaite, Percy Robinson, Hema Gupta, Yan Lee, and Marian Huang. and Antonio Martinez. Imtiaz Sipra's peers at other companies are Mandel Oats, Judita Stankunaite, Percy Robinson, Hema Gupta, Yan Lee, and Marian Huang. and Antonio Martinez.