Igor Pinto

Igor Pinto Email and Phone Number

Audiovisuals @ Teatre Lliure
catalunya, catalonia, spain

Igor Pinto's Contact Information

Igor Pinto personal email


Igor Pinto's Current Company Details


Teatre Lliure

catalunya, catalonia, spain
Performing Arts

Igor Pinto Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Igor Pinto

What company does Igor Pinto work for?

Igor Pinto works for Teatre Lliure

What is Igor Pinto's role in his/her workplace?

Igor Pinto's role in his/her workplace is Audiovisuals.

Which industry does Igor Pinto work in currently?

Igor Pinto works in the industry Performing Arts.

What is Igor Pinto's email address?

Igor Pinto's email address is so@teatrelliure.com

Who are Igor Pinto's colleagues?

Igor Pinto's colleagues are Joan Miralbell, Joan Miralbell, Rebeca Sanloz, Rebeca Sanloz, Leo Castaldi, Leo Castaldi, Albert Lladó, Albert Lladó, Aleix Serra, Aleix Serra, and Ferran Mateu. and Joan Morillo.

Who are Igor Pinto's peers at other companies?

Igor Pinto's peers at other companies are Caroline Brader, Mia Pinero, Don Sanders, Lynn Doyle, Celeste Black, and S Morris Wise. and Syreeta Combscannaday. Igor Pinto's peers at other companies are Caroline Brader, Mia Pinero, Don Sanders, Lynn Doyle, Celeste Black, and S Morris Wise. and Syreeta Combscannaday.