Igor Pinto

Igor Pinto Email and Phone Number

Business Manager @ Geoceres

Igor Pinto's Current Company Details


Business Manager
I completed a Bachelor and a Masters at Polytechnic Institute of Porto in the area of health sciences, however, always kept a connection with the agricultural sector. From an early age I began working with bees, helping my family in a small business. In 2014 I founded Geoceres, Unipessoal Lda and associated myself with a professional producer of honey. Since 2013 I develop a project in the area of blueberries, finding myself associated with a producer organization and we own more than 90 hectares of land in production. Seeking to expand the Apicula and red fruit business, essentially looking for export.

Igor Pinto Work Experience

  • Beekeeper
    Familiar Business 2002 - 2014 · 12 yrs
    * Honey production, queens, propolis, wax and pollen * management and implementation of projects * sales * marketing * public relations * recruitment.
  • Business Manager
    Geoceres 2014 - Present · 11 yrs 1 mo
    Project management, sales, production audits, recruitment of suppliers
  • Export Manager
    Geoceres End date missing
    Marketing, international communication, public relations, international sales

Igor Pinto Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Igor Pinto

What company does Igor Pinto work for?

Igor Pinto works for Geoceres

What is Igor Pinto's role in his/her workplace?

Igor Pinto's role in his/her workplace is Business Manager.

What schools did Igor Pinto attend?

Igor Pinto attended Faculdade De Engenharia Da Universidade Do Porto, Faculdade De Engenharia Da Universidade Do Porto. Porto Polytechnic, Porto Polytechnic. and Porto Polytechnic.

What are some of Igor Pinto's interests?

Igor Pinto has interests in Economic Empowerment, Economic Empowerment. Education, Education. Science And Technology, Science And Technology. Human Rights, Human Rights. Animal Welfare, Animal Welfare. and Health.

What is Igor Pinto's role in his workplace?

Igor Pinto has skills like Vendas Internacionais, and Marketing.