Holly Johnson

Holly Johnson Email and Phone Number

President @ Frey Foundation
grand rapids, michigan, united states

Holly Johnson's Contact Information

Holly Johnson personal email


Holly Johnson phone numbers

Holly Johnson's Current Company Details


Frey Foundation

grand rapids, michigan, united states
Community philanthropy and leveraging support for the West Michigan region is my passion.

Holly Johnson Work Experience

  • freyfdn.org
    Vice President - Development
    Grand Haven, Michigan, United States
    Direct the Development Department of the Community Foundation. Developed a donor continuum of engagement to strategically build relationships and move donors to a more engaged and committed relationship with the Foundation. Responsible for all marketing materials for the Foundation - to include writing compelling donor stories as well as technical articles on planned giving and tax benefits. Professionally and successfully manage complex relationships with high net worth donors and key stakeholders. Lead strategist and consultant for partner nonprofits embarking on capital and endowment campaigns. Responsible for Foundation events. Responsible for Development and Marketing Department budgets. Promoted from Director to Vice President and assumed additional office and project management responsibilities.
  • freyfdn.org
    Co-Director Of Development
    Greater Ottawa County United Way May 06 - Dec 07 · 1 yr 7 mos
    Holland, Michigan, United States
    Hired to open a local office, convened key constituents and successfully engaged them with United Way. Planned and led county wide community campaigns. Responsible for recruiting new partners annually as well as enhancing existing partnerships across Ottawa County. Responsible for training and leading teams of volunteers throughout all stages of the annual campaign.
  • freyfdn.org
    Director Of Development
    Grand Haven, Michigan, United States
  • freyfdn.org
    Frey Foundation Aug 18 - Present · 6 yrs 5 mos
    Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
  • freyfdn.org
    Grand Haven Area Community Foundation Jan 13 - Aug 18 · 5 yrs 7 mos
    Grand Haven, Michigan, United States
    What We DoGet gifts. Grow funds. Give back. It's what we do here at the Grand Haven Area Community Foundation. We receive gifts from people from all walks of life. We invest the gifts we receive so they grow. We give back by making community investments in programs that help our community thrive. Our mission is to improve and enhance the quality of life in the Tri-Cities area by: Serving as a leader, catalyst and resource for philanthropy. Building and holding a permanent and growing endowment for the community's changing needs and opportunities. Striving for community improvement through strategic grantmaking in such areas as arts & culture, economic & community betterment, education, the environment, and health & human services. Providing a flexible and cost-effective way for donors to improve their community now and in the future.

Holly Johnson Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Holly Johnson

What company does Holly Johnson work for?

Holly Johnson works for Frey Foundation

What is Holly Johnson's role in his/her workplace?

Holly Johnson's role in his/her workplace is President.

Which industry does Holly Johnson work in currently?

Holly Johnson works in the industry Philanthropy.

What is Holly Johnson's email address?

Holly Johnson's email address is hjohnson@ottawaunitedway.org

What is Holly Johnson's direct phone number?

Holly Johnson's direct phone number is +16165600996

What schools did Holly Johnson attend?

Holly Johnson attended Grand Haven High School, Grand Haven High School. Hillsdale College, Hillsdale College. Hillsdale College, Hillsdale College. and Grand Valley State University.

What are some of Holly Johnson's interests?

Holly Johnson has interests in Social Services, Social Services. Children, Children. Economic Empowerment, Economic Empowerment. Civil Rights And Social Action, Civil Rights And Social Action. Education, Education. Environment, Environment. Poverty Alleviation, Poverty Alleviation. Human Rights, Human Rights. Arts And Culture, Arts And Culture. and Health.

Who are Holly Johnson's colleagues?

Holly Johnson's colleagues are Milt Rohwer, Milt Rohwer, Sarah Hockin, Sarah Hockin, Carol Wolfe, Carol Wolfe, Denise Sironen, Denise Sironen, Bryana Hopkins, Bryana Hopkins, and Mary Bennett. and Lynnette Ferrell.

Who are Holly Johnson's peers at other companies?

Holly Johnson's peers at other companies are Yotaro Sherman, Juliana Kanas, Sol Ceballos, Alanah Fitzgerald, Gurpreet Kaur, and Paul Chue. and Manila Johnson. Holly Johnson's peers at other companies are Yotaro Sherman, Juliana Kanas, Sol Ceballos, Alanah Fitzgerald, Gurpreet Kaur, and Paul Chue. and Manila Johnson.