Hilda Awwal

Hilda Awwal Email and Phone Number

Production Intern @ Pt. Djarum
kudus, central java, indonesia

Hilda Awwal's Contact Information

Hilda Awwal work email

Hilda Awwal personal email

Hilda Awwal's Current Company Details


Pt. Djarum

Production Intern
kudus, central java, indonesia
Consumer Goods
Kuliah di Institut Teknologi Telkom

Hilda Awwal Work Experience

  • djarum.com
    Production Intern
    Pt. Djarum Jun 15 - Present · 9 yrs 7 mos
    Kudus, Central Java, Indonesia

Hilda Awwal Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Hilda Awwal

What company does Hilda Awwal work for?

Hilda Awwal works for Pt. Djarum

What is Hilda Awwal's role in his/her workplace?

Hilda Awwal's role in his/her workplace is Production Intern.

Which industry does Hilda Awwal work in currently?

Hilda Awwal works in the industry Consumer Goods.

What is Hilda Awwal's email address?

Hilda Awwal's email address is mocca.hilmaz@gmail.com

What schools did Hilda Awwal attend?

Hilda Awwal attended Institut Teknologi Telkom.

What are some of Hilda Awwal's interests?

Hilda Awwal has interests in Human Rights, Human Rights. and Economic Empowerment.

Who are Hilda Awwal's colleagues?

Hilda Awwal's colleagues are Anthony Santoso, Anthony Santoso, Lounardus Saptopranolo, Lounardus Saptopranolo, David Soentoro, David Soentoro, Christy Handoyo, Christy Handoyo, Yoseph Damardjati, Yoseph Damardjati, and Mario Antonio. and Thomas Soegiharto.

Who are Hilda Awwal's peers at other companies?

Hilda Awwal's peers at other companies are Ihsan Ahmed, Johnathan Parker, Ross Vandewege, Patti Carlton, Octavio Ramirez, and Anthony Watkins. and Luiz Machado. Hilda Awwal's peers at other companies are Ihsan Ahmed, Johnathan Parker, Ross Vandewege, Patti Carlton, Octavio Ramirez, and Anthony Watkins. and Luiz Machado.