Helen Barge

Helen Barge Email and Phone Number

chicago, illinois, united states

Helen Barge's Contact Details

Helen Barge's Current Company Details


Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated

Golden Soror
chicago, illinois, united states
Civic & Social Organization

Helen Barge Work Experience

Helen Barge Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Helen Barge

What company does Helen Barge work for?

Helen Barge works for Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated

What is Helen Barge's role in his/her workplace?

Helen Barge's role in his/her workplace is Golden Soror.

Which industry does Helen Barge work in currently?

Helen Barge works in the industry Civic & Social Organization.

What is Helen Barge's email address?

Helen Barge's email address is hbarge@comcast.net

What is Helen Barge's direct phone number?

Helen Barge's direct phone number is +13135052261

What schools did Helen Barge attend?

Helen Barge attended Alabama State Laboratory High School, Alabama State Laboratory High School. and Alabama State University.

What is Helen Barge's role in his workplace?

Helen Barge has skills like Teaching, Fiction, Editing, Copy Editing, Proofreading, Non Fiction, and Creative Writing.

Who are Helen Barge's colleagues?

Helen Barge's colleagues are Kaiyona Spann, Kaiyona Spann, Patricia Owens, Patricia Owens, Troyjea Kellup, Troyjea Kellup, Sheila Davis, Sheila Davis, Rose Marte, Rose Marte, and Mimi Akintunde-Nieves. and Shameka Mack.

Who are Helen Barge's peers at other companies?

Helen Barge's peers at other companies are Chantal Sterkens, Charan Raj, Sana Pervez, Claudia Stefanel, Tyree Hiicks, and Nimo Ahmed. and Haydn Herzogsägmühle. Helen Barge's peers at other companies are Chantal Sterkens, Charan Raj, Sana Pervez, Claudia Stefanel, Tyree Hiicks, and Nimo Ahmed. and Haydn Herzogsägmühle.