Hasmukh Chhaganbhai

Hasmukh Chhaganbhai Email and Phone Number

Assistant.Manager @ Krishnapatnam Port Company Ltd.
nellore, andhra pradesh, india

Hasmukh Chhaganbhai's Current Company Details


Krishnapatnam Port Company Ltd.

nellore, andhra pradesh, india

Hasmukh Chhaganbhai Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Hasmukh Chhaganbhai

What company does Hasmukh Chhaganbhai work for?

Hasmukh Chhaganbhai works for Krishnapatnam Port Company Ltd.

What is Hasmukh Chhaganbhai's role in his/her workplace?

Hasmukh Chhaganbhai's role in his/her workplace is Assistant.Manager.

Which industry does Hasmukh Chhaganbhai work in currently?

Hasmukh Chhaganbhai works in the industry Maritime.

Who are Hasmukh Chhaganbhai's colleagues?

Hasmukh Chhaganbhai's colleagues are Ramu Boppudi, Ramu Boppudi, Khairulla Khan, Khairulla Khan, Balu Vandanapu, Balu Vandanapu, Bharath Kumar, Bharath Kumar, Sivakumar Uppu, Sivakumar Uppu, and Syam Nadiminti. and Sridhar Naidu.

Who are Hasmukh Chhaganbhai's peers at other companies?

Hasmukh Chhaganbhai's peers at other companies are Valdemar Brasil, Randy Ocasla, Deepu Bhaskar, Umesh Fernando, Par Ekstrom, and Steve Hackbarth. and Senia Benmedjahed. Hasmukh Chhaganbhai's peers at other companies are Valdemar Brasil, Randy Ocasla, Deepu Bhaskar, Umesh Fernando, Par Ekstrom, and Steve Hackbarth. and Senia Benmedjahed.