Harald Paulus

Harald Paulus Email and Phone Number

Chief Executive Officer And Owner @ Compeso Gmbh
ismaning, bayern, germany

Harald Paulus's Contact Information

Harald Paulus work email

Harald Paulus personal email


Harald Paulus's Current Company Details


Compeso Gmbh

Chief Executive Officer And Owner
ismaning, bayern, germany
Information Technology And Services

Harald Paulus Work Experience

  • compeso.com
    Gemeinnutzige Genossenschaft Zum Betrieb Der Rudolf-Steiner-Schule Ismaning Freie Waldorfschule E.G End date missing
  • compeso.com
    Chief Executive Officer And Owner
    Compeso Gmbh Apr 84 - Present · 40 yrs 9 mos
    Munich, Bavaria, Germany

Harald Paulus Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Harald Paulus

What company does Harald Paulus work for?

Harald Paulus works for Compeso Gmbh

What is Harald Paulus's role in his/her workplace?

Harald Paulus's role in his/her workplace is Chief Executive Officer And Owner.

Which industry does Harald Paulus work in currently?

Harald Paulus works in the industry Information Technology And Services.

What is Harald Paulus's email address?

Harald Paulus's email address is hpaulus@compeso.com

What schools did Harald Paulus attend?

Harald Paulus attended Technical University Of Munich.

What are some of Harald Paulus's interests?

Harald Paulus has interests in Social Services, Social Services. Children, Children. Civil Rights And Social Action, Civil Rights And Social Action. Politics, Politics. Education, Education. Environment, Environment. Poverty Alleviation, Poverty Alleviation. Science And Technology, Science And Technology. Disaster And Humanitarian Relief, Disaster And Humanitarian Relief. Human Rights, Human Rights. Animal Welfare, Animal Welfare. Arts And Culture, Arts And Culture. and Health.

Who are Harald Paulus's colleagues?

Harald Paulus's colleagues are Wolfgang Meldau, Wolfgang Meldau, Michael Halevy, Michael Halevy, Nelly Batista, Nelly Batista, Alexandra Kohout, Alexandra Kohout, Akira Suzuki, Akira Suzuki, and Thomas Sigl. and Annette Wagner.

Who are Harald Paulus's peers at other companies?

Harald Paulus's peers at other companies are Talita Travassos, Kristian Petersen, Snehal Patil, Dinesh Nt, Björkvall Yngve, and Sandro Shoji. and Joanne Chung. Harald Paulus's peers at other companies are Talita Travassos, Kristian Petersen, Snehal Patil, Dinesh Nt, Björkvall Yngve, and Sandro Shoji. and Joanne Chung.