Hannah Moore

Hannah Moore Email and Phone Number

Behavioral Health Technician @ Brighter Strides Aba

Hannah Moore's Contact Details

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Hannah Moore's Current Company Details


Brighter Strides Aba

Behavioral Health Technician
I am determined to find a company with room for advancement including certifications or paid educational courses. I cherish being a leader and utilizing my interpersonal skills to boost all company missions and environments. I am currently seeking a salary position with Monday through Saturday hours only.

Hannah Moore Work Experience

  • brighterstridesaba.com
    Behavioral Health Technician
    Brighter Strides Aba Jan 23 - Present · 2 yrs 1 mo
    Baltimore, Maryland, United States
  • brighterstridesaba.com
    Financial Services Advocate And Team Builder
    Aaa Club Alliance Jan 19 - May 22 · 3 yrs 4 mos
    Wilmington, Delaware, United States
    * identify customer objections and find appropriate resolutions for associates to sell * constant one on one coaching colleagues through customer and sales role play * training employees on how to open and close the office independently * redesigning flyer, brochure, advertisements, and product layouts in the office to better sell items * creating membership, credit card, and insurance packets for all sales and potential sales * doing weekly team meetings with all employees to meet and make store quotas * emailing and following up with all employees one on one to oversee individual sales production
  • brighterstridesaba.com
    Receptionist And Saleswoman
    Aaa Club Alliance Jul 17 - May 22 · 4 yrs 10 mos
    Wilmington, Delaware, United States
    * write reports on customer traffic flow and production-send analysis of traffic flow and employee performances to different departments-notate areas of improvement for employees and total customer satisfaction guarantee-create opportunities to build rapport with external and internal clients -document, stamp, seal, and notarize papers and provide guidance on witnesses required for notarization -train employees on how to notarize and officiate documents in the state of Virginia
  • brighterstridesaba.com
    Sales Associate
    Charlotte Russe Aug 14 - Oct 15 · 1 yr 2 mos
    San Francisco, California, United States
    * Cashier and customer assistant * Maintaining floor presentation and helping with staff communication * Organizing all products and items whether in dressing room area or on tables * Restocking all clothing, shoes, jewelry and accessories * Working on manager projects such as tracking personal bests or analyzing consumer satisfaction reports * Mentoring other keyholders, managers, district managers and higher ups to better the products and experience * Tracking all dress room embarkments to limit theft or unlawfulness
  • brighterstridesaba.com
    Internship Position As A Process Server And Clerical Assistant
    Mcnerney And Associates May 15 - Sep 15 · 4 mos
    Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
    * Serving subpoenas and signing affidavits * Delivering court documents to clients in a timely fashion * Driving to the court house to obtain proper stampage on statements * Answering any and all phone calls at all hours while on the road * Organizing shelves and paperwork * Shredding old documents and typing up new reports
  • brighterstridesaba.com
    Ben & Jerry'S Dec 10 - Jun 11 · 6 mos
    South Burlington, Vermont, United States
    * Stocking cups, cones, cookies, and utensils at all times * Opening and closing the store by virtue of a cash count * Enhancing customer satisfaction and employee experience * Communicating with all staff and maintaining availability * Completing all orders in a timely manner and cleaning the shop for appearance and cleanliness
  • brighterstridesaba.com
    Assistant Tennis Coach
    Avalon Country Club Jun 08 - Aug 08 · 2 mos
    Lenoir City, Tennessee, United States
    * Organizing tennis drills and games * Working on doubles and singles game strategies * Enhancing endurance, strength, and speed * Focusing on footwork and teamwork * Using equipment to better strengths and weaknesses
  • brighterstridesaba.com
    Process Server
    Mcnerney And Associates May 15 - Aug 17 · 2 yrs 3 mos
    Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

Hannah Moore Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Hannah Moore

What company does Hannah Moore work for?

Hannah Moore works for Brighter Strides Aba

What is Hannah Moore's role in his/her workplace?

Hannah Moore's role in his/her workplace is Behavioral Health Technician.

What is Hannah Moore's email address?

Hannah Moore's email address is hannahwgreenwood@gmail.com

What schools did Hannah Moore attend?

Hannah Moore attended George Mason University, George Mason University. Potomac Falls High School, Potomac Falls High School. and St. George's School.

What is Hannah Moore's role in his workplace?

Hannah Moore has skills like Strong Work Ethic, Communication Expert, Valuable Leadership Skills, Insightful, Determined, Time Management Master, Self Motivated, and Self Disciplined.

Who are Hannah Moore's colleagues?

Hannah Moore's colleagues are Alia Coleman, Alia Coleman, Tenna Hazen, Tenna Hazen, Claire Schrier, Claire Schrier, Erin Taylor, Erin Taylor, and Vivian Boley. and Delphina Amon-Kotey.