Hamid Masoumabadi

Hamid Masoumabadi Email and Phone Number

Mattress @ Parsam
tehran, tehrān, iran

Hamid Masoumabadi's Current Company Details



tehran, tehrān, iran
Computer Software

Hamid Masoumabadi Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Hamid Masoumabadi

What company does Hamid Masoumabadi work for?

Hamid Masoumabadi works for Parsam

What is Hamid Masoumabadi's role in his/her workplace?

Hamid Masoumabadi's role in his/her workplace is Mattress.

Which industry does Hamid Masoumabadi work in currently?

Hamid Masoumabadi works in the industry Computer Software.

Who are Hamid Masoumabadi's colleagues?

Hamid Masoumabadi's colleagues are Mohsen Mirzaie, Mohsen Mirzaie, Shayan Parsam, Shayan Parsam, Fereshte Pourafkham, Fereshte Pourafkham, Saeed Ansari, Saeed Ansari, Shahrzad Ashtiani, Shahrzad Ashtiani, and Mahsa Amini. and Gary Stooksberry.

Who are Hamid Masoumabadi's peers at other companies?

Hamid Masoumabadi's peers at other companies are Anna Wieczorek-Gorlach, Moe G, Dugra Sudharshanam, Evan Moore, Sergey Gylyuk, and Virginia Shimkin. and Juhi Zanje. Hamid Masoumabadi's peers at other companies are Anna Wieczorek-Gorlach, Moe G, Dugra Sudharshanam, Evan Moore, Sergey Gylyuk, and Virginia Shimkin. and Juhi Zanje.