Hakimah Abdullah

Hakimah Abdullah Email and Phone Number

Assistant Support Counselor @ Community Access Unlimited
elizabeth, new jersey, united states

Hakimah Abdullah's Contact Information

Hakimah Abdullah work email

Hakimah Abdullah personal email


Hakimah Abdullah phone numbers

Hakimah Abdullah's Current Company Details


Community Access Unlimited

Assistant Support Counselor
elizabeth, new jersey, united states
Non-Profit Organization Management

Hakimah Abdullah Work Experience

  • caunj.org
    Assistant Support Counselor
    Elizabeth, New Jersey, United States
    Community Access Unlimited (CAU) is dedicated to providing community access through effective and comprehensive support services for individuals with disabilities, at-risk youth, and people with affordable housing needs, giving them the opportunity to live independently and to lead normal and productive lives as citizens integrated into the community. The organization celebrated its 34th anniversary in 2013. CAU serves more than 5000 individuals per year in areas of housing, life skills, employment, money management, socialization, and civic activities. CAU also supports opportunities for advocacy through training in assertiveness, decision making, and civil rights.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Hakimah Abdullah

What company does Hakimah Abdullah work for?

Hakimah Abdullah works for Community Access Unlimited

What is Hakimah Abdullah's role in his/her workplace?

Hakimah Abdullah's role in his/her workplace is Assistant Support Counselor.

Which industry does Hakimah Abdullah work in currently?

Hakimah Abdullah works in the industry Non-Profit Organization Management.

What is Hakimah Abdullah's email address?

Hakimah Abdullah's email address is hakimah.abdullah@caunj.org

What is Hakimah Abdullah's direct phone number?

Hakimah Abdullah's direct phone number is +19083543040

Who are Hakimah Abdullah's colleagues?

Hakimah Abdullah's colleagues are David Goldwasser, David Goldwasser, Christine Colombrita, Christine Colombrita, Wondmagegne Mersha, Wondmagegne Mersha, Ebenezer Ekwelonu, Ebenezer Ekwelonu, Sobeyda Lopez, Sobeyda Lopez, and Carla Cdhollinger. and Mary Dorvil.

Who are Hakimah Abdullah's peers at other companies?

Hakimah Abdullah's peers at other companies are Vivian Hunter, Allan Betty, Vik Villalta, Kirsi Turpeinen, Nicolas Daniel, and Julie Thomas. and Patricia Rilo. Hakimah Abdullah's peers at other companies are Vivian Hunter, Allan Betty, Vik Villalta, Kirsi Turpeinen, Nicolas Daniel, and Julie Thomas. and Patricia Rilo.