Ha Nguyen

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Senior Associate @ Allens

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Senior Associate
Law Practice
Experience in a wide variety of investment and corporate law areas and M&A transactions

Ha Nguyen Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Ha Nguyen

What company does Ha Nguyen work for?

Ha Nguyen works for Allens

What is Ha Nguyen's role in his/her workplace?

Ha Nguyen's role in his/her workplace is Senior Associate.

Which industry does Ha Nguyen work in currently?

Ha Nguyen works in the industry Law Practice.

What is Ha Nguyen's email address?

Ha Nguyen's email address is nguyen.ha@allens.com.au

What schools did Ha Nguyen attend?

Ha Nguyen attended Hanoi Law University.

Who are Ha Nguyen's colleagues?

Ha Nguyen's colleagues are Grace Williamson, Grace Williamson, Denise Mitilinakis, Denise Mitilinakis, Penny Sarantis, Penny Sarantis, Madan Kumar, Madan Kumar, Jessica Choong, Jessica Choong, and Philip Diack. and Karina Stoneman.

Who are Ha Nguyen's peers at other companies?

Ha Nguyen's peers at other companies are Selahattin B, Christine Adkins, Elizabeth Hosea, Noelle Galvan, Meghan Tice, and Robert Hemstreet. and José Anastácio. Ha Nguyen's peers at other companies are Selahattin B, Christine Adkins, Elizabeth Hosea, Noelle Galvan, Meghan Tice, and Robert Hemstreet. and José Anastácio.