Gustav Johansson

Gustav Johansson Email and Phone Number

Director, Founder And Partner @ New—land
london, england, united kingdom

Gustav Johansson's Contact Information

Gustav Johansson work email

Gustav Johansson personal email


Gustav Johansson's Current Company Details


Director, Founder And Partner
london, england, united kingdom
Motion Pictures And Film

Gustav Johansson Work Experience

    Director, Founder And Partner
    New—Land May 14 - Present · 10 yrs 8 mos
    London, London, United Kingdom
    Iconoclast.Tv End date missing

Gustav Johansson Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Gustav Johansson

What company does Gustav Johansson work for?

Gustav Johansson works for New—land

What is Gustav Johansson's role in his/her workplace?

Gustav Johansson's role in his/her workplace is Director, Founder And Partner.

Which industry does Gustav Johansson work in currently?

Gustav Johansson works in the industry Motion Pictures And Film.

What is Gustav Johansson's email address?

Gustav Johansson's email address is

What schools did Gustav Johansson attend?

Gustav Johansson attended Cannes Lions Roger Hatchuel Academy, Cannes Lions Roger Hatchuel Academy. and Berghs School Of Communication.

What is Gustav Johansson's role in his workplace?

Gustav Johansson has skills like Creative Direction, Creative Strategy, Digital Strategy, Concept Development, Digital Marketing, Digital Media, Advertising, Copywriting, and Graphic Design.

Who are Gustav Johansson's colleagues?

Gustav Johansson's colleagues are Ludvig Thomsen, Ludvig Thomsen, Sophie Christensen, Sophie Christensen, Emma Broström, Emma Broström, Naghmeh Pour, Naghmeh Pour, Trine Pillay, Trine Pillay, and Daniella Manca. and Libby Wilde.

Who are Gustav Johansson's peers at other companies?

Gustav Johansson's peers at other companies are Andrea Paracchino, Jessica Castillo, Sachindra Patel, Walter Fraser, Thiyagarajan Dayalan, and Zijian Mu. and Madeline O'brien. Gustav Johansson's peers at other companies are Andrea Paracchino, Jessica Castillo, Sachindra Patel, Walter Fraser, Thiyagarajan Dayalan, and Zijian Mu. and Madeline O'brien.