Guillermo Balsemhof

Guillermo Balsemhof Email and Phone Number

Assistant Accountant @ Db&c | De Bruijn & Co
amsterdam, noord-holland, netherlands

Guillermo Balsemhof's Current Company Details

Db&C | De Bruijn & Co

Assistant Accountant
amsterdam, noord-holland, netherlands

Guillermo Balsemhof Work Experience

    Financial Administrator
    Administratieburo B Molenaar Jul 10 - Dec 13 · 3 yrs 5 mos
    * Administratieve dienstverlening * Het samenstellen van jaarrekeningen * Het voorbereiden van aangiftes IB en VpB * Verantwoordelijk voor het implementeren van diverse softwarepakketten.
    Assistant Accountant
    Db&C | De Bruijn & Co Jul 13 - Present · 11 yrs 7 mos
    Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands

Guillermo Balsemhof Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Guillermo Balsemhof

What company does Guillermo Balsemhof work for?

Guillermo Balsemhof works for Db&c | De Bruijn & Co

What is Guillermo Balsemhof's role in his/her workplace?

Guillermo Balsemhof's role in his/her workplace is Assistant Accountant.

Which industry does Guillermo Balsemhof work in currently?

Guillermo Balsemhof works in the industry Accounting.

What schools did Guillermo Balsemhof attend?

Guillermo Balsemhof attended Amsterdam University Of Applied Sciences.

What is Guillermo Balsemhof's role in his/her workplace?

Guillermo Balsemhof has skills like Accountants, Financial Accounting, Accounting, Financial Reporting, Bookkeeping, and Microsoft Excel.

Who are Guillermo Balsemhof's colleagues?

Guillermo Balsemhof's colleagues are Diane Ruas, Diane Ruas, Paul Beemster, Paul Beemster, Zahiera Idu, Zahiera Idu, Richard Kabel, Richard Kabel, Hicham Mekkaoui, Hicham Mekkaoui, and Nicole Trampe. and Talitha Van Wijk.

Who are Guillermo Balsemhof's peers at other companies?

Guillermo Balsemhof's peers at other companies are Achinta Sarkar, Holly Belanger, Anuj Patni, Kássia Ferreira, Nallil Mejía, and Kimberly Hollencamp. and Mahesh Anaparthi. Guillermo Balsemhof's peers at other companies are Achinta Sarkar, Holly Belanger, Anuj Patni, Kássia Ferreira, Nallil Mejía, and Kimberly Hollencamp. and Mahesh Anaparthi.