Gregory Hoss

Gregory Hoss Email and Phone Number

washington, district of columbia, united states

Gregory Hoss's Contact Information

Gregory Hoss personal email


Gregory Hoss phone numbers

Gregory Hoss's Current Company Details

David M. Schwarz Architects

washington, district of columbia, united states
Architecture & Planning
The Catholic University of America School of Architecture & Planning Board of Visitors David M. Schwarz Architects Charitable Foundation Treasurer

Gregory Hoss Work Experience

    Hntb Jul 91 - Jul 97 · 6 yrs
    United States
    David M. Schwarz Architects Jun 97 - Present · 27 yrs 7 mos
    Washington, District Of Columbia, United States
    I have the good fortune to work with a stellar group of clients. Together, we clarify and prioritize their goals and then orchestrate these into a wonderful physical reality. I see the practice of architecture as an opportunity to make people's lives better through a more thoughtful, creative and usable built environment. I also work with an incredibly talented group of architects who share my commitment to excellence in everything we do.

Gregory Hoss Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Gregory Hoss

What company does Gregory Hoss work for?

Gregory Hoss works for David M. Schwarz Architects

What is Gregory Hoss's role in his/her workplace?

Gregory Hoss's role in his/her workplace is President.

Which industry does Gregory Hoss work in currently?

Gregory Hoss works in the industry Architecture & Planning.

What is Gregory Hoss's email address?

Gregory Hoss's email address is

What is Gregory Hoss's direct phone number?

Gregory Hoss's direct phone number is +12028620777

What schools did Gregory Hoss attend?

Gregory Hoss attended The Catholic University Of America.

What are some of Gregory Hoss's interests?

Gregory Hoss has interests in Social Services, Social Services. and Arts And Culture.

Who are Gregory Hoss's colleagues?

Gregory Hoss's colleagues are Patrick Mahar, Patrick Mahar, Cynthia Ndegwa, Cynthia Ndegwa, Hannah Tsimmerman, Hannah Tsimmerman, Dallas Chavez, Dallas Chavez, Dean Reineking, Dean Reineking, and Jon Zubiller. and Ramsay Fairburn.

Who are Gregory Hoss's peers at other companies?

Gregory Hoss's peers at other companies are Julien Ensarguet, Benjamin Watts, Olívia Silva, Jean-Pierre Italiano, Iddo Bi, and Elizabeth Lamadrid. and Marie Borjon. Gregory Hoss's peers at other companies are Julien Ensarguet, Benjamin Watts, Olívia Silva, Jean-Pierre Italiano, Iddo Bi, and Elizabeth Lamadrid. and Marie Borjon.