Greg Merkel

Greg Merkel Email and Phone Number

chanhassen, minnesota, united states

Greg Merkel's Contact Details

Greg Merkel work email

Greg Merkel personal email

Greg Merkel's Current Company Details

Mount Olivet Rolling Acres

chanhassen, minnesota, united states
Non-Profit Organization Management

Greg Merkel Work Experience

    Chanhassen, Minnesota, United States
    Mount Olivet Rolling Acres offers a variety of high-quality programs and services for people with developmental and other disabilities.With on-campus facilities in Victoria, Minnesota, community homes throughout the seven-county Twin Cities metropolitan area, and support services offered through training programs and the Metro Crisis Coordination Program, we provide a full array of services to support clients, their caregivers and professionals.

Greg Merkel Education

    Willmar Community College
    1969 - 1971

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Frequently Asked Questions about Greg Merkel

What company does Greg Merkel work for?

Greg Merkel works for Mount Olivet Rolling Acres

Which industry does Greg Merkel work in currently?

Greg Merkel works in the industry Non-Profit Organization Management.

What is Greg Merkel's email address?

Greg Merkel's email address is

What schools did Greg Merkel attend?

Greg Merkel attended Willmar Community College.

What are some of Greg Merkel's interests?

Greg Merkel has interest in Family, Family. Volunteering, Volunteering. Church, Church. Movies, Movies. and Jazz Music.

What is Greg Merkel's role in his/her workplace?

Greg Merkel has skills like Public Speaking, Community Outreach, Fundraising, and Nonprofits.

Who are Greg Merkel's colleagues?

Greg Merkel's colleagues are Mollie Feldman-Adams, Mollie Feldman-Adams, Megan Guckeen, Megan Guckeen, Katherine Mika, Katherine Mika, Megan Ische, Megan Ische, Catherine Gunderson, Catherine Gunderson, and Christina Moses. and Elizabeth Brown.

Who are Greg Merkel's peers at other companies?

Greg Merkel's peers at other companies are Dick Van Dijk, Ylber Shabani, Saran Jones, Chilli Reid, Samantha Fletcher, and Tyanna Palmer. and Claire Kennedy. Greg Merkel's peers at other companies are Dick Van Dijk, Ylber Shabani, Saran Jones, Chilli Reid, Samantha Fletcher, and Tyanna Palmer. and Claire Kennedy.