Gonen Haklay

Gonen Haklay Email and Phone Number

new york, new york, united states

Gonen Haklay's Contact Information

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Gonen Haklay's Current Company Details


The Rosen Law Firm, P.A.

new york, new york, united states
Law Practice

Gonen Haklay Work Experience

Gonen Haklay Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Gonen Haklay

What company does Gonen Haklay work for?

Gonen Haklay works for The Rosen Law Firm, P.a.

What is Gonen Haklay's role in his/her workplace?

Gonen Haklay's role in his/her workplace is Attorney.

Which industry does Gonen Haklay work in currently?

Gonen Haklay works in the industry Law Practice.

What is Gonen Haklay's email address?

Gonen Haklay's email address is ghaklay@cprlaw.com

What is Gonen Haklay's direct phone number?

Gonen Haklay's direct phone number is +12152844258

What schools did Gonen Haklay attend?

Gonen Haklay attended Stanford Law School.

Who are Gonen Haklay's colleagues?

Gonen Haklay's colleagues are Josh Baker, Josh Baker, Daniel Sadeh, Daniel Sadeh, Yu Shi, Yu Shi, Brent Lapointe, Brent Lapointe, Jing Chenaaaaa, Jing Chenaaaaa, and Jacob Goldberg. and Eduardo Texidor.

Who are Gonen Haklay's peers at other companies?

Gonen Haklay's peers at other companies are Jessica Zorn, Gregory Williams, Federica Fiore, Simon Perkins, Tom Hillyard, and Barbara Ford. and Emma Ladley. Gonen Haklay's peers at other companies are Jessica Zorn, Gregory Williams, Federica Fiore, Simon Perkins, Tom Hillyard, and Barbara Ford. and Emma Ladley.