Goldy Gooftroop

Goldy Gooftroop Email and Phone Number

Business Owner @ Apple
cupertino, california, united states

Goldy Gooftroop's Current Company Details


Business Owner
cupertino, california, united states
Consumer Electronics

Goldy Gooftroop Work Experience

    Business Owner
    Cupertino, California, United States

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Frequently Asked Questions about Goldy Gooftroop

What company does Goldy Gooftroop work for?

Goldy Gooftroop works for Apple

What is Goldy Gooftroop's role in his/her workplace?

Goldy Gooftroop's role in his/her workplace is Business Owner.

Which industry does Goldy Gooftroop work in currently?

Goldy Gooftroop works in the industry Consumer Electronics.

Who are Goldy Gooftroop's colleagues?

Goldy Gooftroop's colleagues are Afaq Ahmad, Afaq Ahmad, Saryta Ceulin, Saryta Ceulin, Munmun Chouhan, Munmun Chouhan, Adithyan Raj, Adithyan Raj, Anthony Robbins, Anthony Robbins, and Kelsey Cameron. and John Moylan.

Who are Goldy Gooftroop's peers at other companies?

Goldy Gooftroop's peers at other companies are Flavio Pusineri, Ricardo Haro, Abril Vega, Hichem Asri, Bruno Baconi, and Yücelen Güneş. and Jennifer Ortega. Goldy Gooftroop's peers at other companies are Flavio Pusineri, Ricardo Haro, Abril Vega, Hichem Asri, Bruno Baconi, and Yücelen Güneş. and Jennifer Ortega.