Gilles Tas

Gilles Tas Email and Phone Number

Chief Operations Officer @ Minze Health
antwerp, antwerpen, belgium

Gilles Tas's Contact Information

Gilles Tas work email

Gilles Tas personal email

Gilles Tas's Current Company Details

Minze Health

Chief Operations Officer
antwerp, antwerpen, belgium
Medical Devices ( offers reinvented uroflowmetry - diagnosis and monitoring of voiding disorders at home, in the hospital or private practice. Hospiflow is a portable, patient friendly uroflowmeter for hospitals / private practices. It can be used on any toilet and allows for a natural voiding position. Homeflow is a wireless, Bluetooth-connected uroflowmeter for home use with a mobile app that allows the patient to keep a voiding diary. Know more? Educational background in Economic Law (University of Ghent) and Management, Innovation & Entrepreneurship (Antwerp Management School).

Gilles Tas Work Experience

    Chief Operations Officer
    Minze Health May 15 - Present · 9 yrs 8 mos
    Legal Analyst
    Deminor May 13 - Sep 15 · 2 yrs 4 mos
    Brussels, Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, Belgium
    Deminor Shareholder & Governance Services is a corporate finance firm focused on shareholder interests and corporate governance in both listed and privately held companies. It focuses primarily on the Belgian market, but intervenes frequently also in the Netherlands, Luxembourg and France.

Gilles Tas Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Gilles Tas

What company does Gilles Tas work for?

Gilles Tas works for Minze Health

What is Gilles Tas's role in his/her workplace?

Gilles Tas's role in his/her workplace is Chief Operations Officer.

Which industry does Gilles Tas work in currently?

Gilles Tas works in the industry Medical Devices.

What is Gilles Tas's email address?

Gilles Tas's email address is

What schools did Gilles Tas attend?

Gilles Tas attended Ghent University, Ghent University. and Antwerp Management School.

What is Gilles Tas's role in his workplace?

Gilles Tas has skills like Start Ups, Entrepreneurship, Business Modeling, Financial Projection, Business Planning, and English.

Who are Gilles Tas's colleagues?

Gilles Tas's colleagues are Geert De Clercq, Geert De Clercq, Ignacio Van Loy Estero, Ignacio Van Loy Estero, Zarha Vermeulen, Zarha Vermeulen, Thomas Stubbe, Thomas Stubbe, Lola Bladt, Lola Bladt, and Daniel Lacko. and Philippe Stas.

Who are Gilles Tas's peers at other companies?

Gilles Tas's peers at other companies are Jamie Corbett, Kelly Doyle, Jo Davis, Julio Zamudio, Oszlánszki Attila, and Shery Carlson. and Christine Grubbs. Gilles Tas's peers at other companies are Jamie Corbett, Kelly Doyle, Jo Davis, Julio Zamudio, Oszlánszki Attila, and Shery Carlson. and Christine Grubbs.