Ghokulesh Satkuna

Ghokulesh Satkuna Email and Phone Number

Maintenance Supervisor @ Shell
the hague, zuid-holland, netherlands

Ghokulesh Satkuna's Current Company Details


Maintenance Supervisor
the hague, zuid-holland, netherlands
Oil & Energy

Ghokulesh Satkuna Work Experience

    Maintenance Supervisor
    London, England, United Kingdom

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Frequently Asked Questions about Ghokulesh Satkuna

What company does Ghokulesh Satkuna work for?

Ghokulesh Satkuna works for Shell

What is Ghokulesh Satkuna's role in his/her workplace?

Ghokulesh Satkuna's role in his/her workplace is Maintenance Supervisor.

Which industry does Ghokulesh Satkuna work in currently?

Ghokulesh Satkuna works in the industry Oil & Energy.

Who are Ghokulesh Satkuna's colleagues?

Ghokulesh Satkuna's colleagues are Chukwudi Onyemachi, Chukwudi Onyemachi, Bala Gangadhar, Bala Gangadhar, Jan Droppert, Jan Droppert, Grace Luo, Grace Luo, Sinomndeni Ndlovu, Sinomndeni Ndlovu, and Dave Haines. and Dalinton Ashigor.

Who are Ghokulesh Satkuna's peers at other companies?

Ghokulesh Satkuna's peers at other companies are Lucas Noguerol, Ghokulesh Satkuna, Matt Engel, Rajesh Sharma, Ramesh Chand, and Roman Budash. and Byungyul Jung. Ghokulesh Satkuna's peers at other companies are Lucas Noguerol, Ghokulesh Satkuna, Matt Engel, Rajesh Sharma, Ramesh Chand, and Roman Budash. and Byungyul Jung.