Georgia Mcknight

Georgia Mcknight Email and Phone Number

Patient Representative Iii @ Inova Health System
falls church, virginia, united states

Georgia Mcknight's Current Company Details

Inova Health System

Patient Representative Iii
falls church, virginia, united states
Hospital & Health Care
Patient Rep III at Inova Health System

Georgia Mcknight Work Experience

    Patient Representative Iii
    Falls Church, Virginia, United States
    Inova is the only health system with five hospitals ranked among the 15 best in the DC area by US News & World Report. Inova is Northern Virginia's leading not-for-profit healthcare provider, serving more than 1 million people each year and governed by a volunteer board of community members.At Inova, more than 16,000 employees demonstrate their commitment every day to providing the community with expert, world-class, compassionate patient care.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Georgia Mcknight

What company does Georgia Mcknight work for?

Georgia Mcknight works for Inova Health System

What is Georgia Mcknight's role in his/her workplace?

Georgia Mcknight's role in his/her workplace is Patient Representative Iii.

Which industry does Georgia Mcknight work in currently?

Georgia Mcknight works in the industry Hospital & Health Care.

What is Georgia Mcknight's email address?

Georgia Mcknight's email address is

What is Georgia Mcknight's direct phone number?

Georgia Mcknight's direct phone number is +12023961617

What are some of Georgia Mcknight's interests?

Georgia Mcknight has interests in Career, Career. Kids, Kids. Cooking, Cooking. Exercise, Exercise. Electronics, Electronics. Traveling, Traveling. Sweepstakes, Sweepstakes. Home Improvement, Home Improvement. Reading, Reading. Gourmet Cooking, Gourmet Cooking. Travel, Travel. and Home Decoration.

Who are Georgia Mcknight's colleagues?

Georgia Mcknight's colleagues are Ahmad Khawaja, Ahmad Khawaja, C-Efm Molly Donegan, C-Efm Molly Donegan, Jin Chong, Jin Chong, Sharon Hathaway, Sharon Hathaway, Toni Godwin, Toni Godwin, and Kim Dennison. and Matthew Nghiem.

Who are Georgia Mcknight's peers at other companies?

Georgia Mcknight's peers at other companies are Sumaiya Khan, Igor Valdivia, Donna Barnett, Naresh Gupta, Jennifer White, and Karen Hewson. and Franco Vera. Georgia Mcknight's peers at other companies are Sumaiya Khan, Igor Valdivia, Donna Barnett, Naresh Gupta, Jennifer White, and Karen Hewson. and Franco Vera.