George Dimitriou

George Dimitriou Email and Phone Number

Iron Truck Operator @ Trican Well Services

George Dimitriou's Current Company Details

Trican Well Services

Iron Truck Operator
Oil & Energy

George Dimitriou Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about George Dimitriou

What company does George Dimitriou work for?

George Dimitriou works for Trican Well Services

What is George Dimitriou's role in his/her workplace?

George Dimitriou's role in his/her workplace is Iron Truck Operator.

Which industry does George Dimitriou work in currently?

George Dimitriou works in the industry Oil & Energy.

Who are George Dimitriou's colleagues?

George Dimitriou's colleagues are Kanu Kaushik, Kanu Kaushik, Mitchel Brundige, Mitchel Brundige, Edward Mechell, Edward Mechell, Richard Hollingsworth, Richard Hollingsworth, Tom Brocklebank, Tom Brocklebank, and Delisle Melissa. and Davood Khamissi.

Who are George Dimitriou's peers at other companies?

George Dimitriou's peers at other companies are Rajesh Sharma, Ghokulesh Satkuna, Ramesh Chand, Raushan Kumar, Mario Martis, and Roman Budash. and Matt Engel. George Dimitriou's peers at other companies are Rajesh Sharma, Ghokulesh Satkuna, Ramesh Chand, Raushan Kumar, Mario Martis, and Roman Budash. and Matt Engel.