Genelle Mcfarland

Genelle Mcfarland Email and Phone Number

Operational Leader @ Accunet Mortgage Nmls Id#255368
waukesha, wisconsin, united states

Genelle Mcfarland's Contact Details

Genelle Mcfarland work email

Genelle Mcfarland personal email


Genelle Mcfarland's Current Company Details

Accunet Mortgage Nmls Id#255368

Operational Leader
waukesha, wisconsin, united states
Hardworking UW-Whitewater junior seeking summer internship in finance

Genelle Mcfarland Work Experience

    Elias Inn Supper Club End date missing
    Watertown, Wisconsin, United States
    Accunet Mortgage Nmls Id#255368 May 15 - Aug 15 · 3 mos
    Waukesha, Wisconsin, United States
    Sales Associate
    Maurices Oct 14 - Jan 15 · 3 mos
    Duluth, Minnesota, United States
    La Tan Jun 14 - Nov 14 · 5 mos
    Assembly Line Worker
    Libourne, Aquitaine, France
    Uw-Whitewater Senior Seeking A Full-Time Position In Finance
    Tralee, Kerry, Ireland
    UW-Whitewater senior seeking a full-time position in finance at Kerry
    Master Data Analyst
    Kerry End date missing
    Tralee, Kerry, Ireland
    Head Coach
    Spokane, Washington, United States

Genelle Mcfarland Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Genelle Mcfarland

What company does Genelle Mcfarland work for?

Genelle Mcfarland works for Accunet Mortgage Nmls Id#255368

What is Genelle Mcfarland's role in his/her workplace?

Genelle Mcfarland's role in his/her workplace is Operational Leader.

Which industry does Genelle Mcfarland work in currently?

Genelle Mcfarland works in the industry Banking.

What is Genelle Mcfarland's email address?

Genelle Mcfarland's email address is

What schools did Genelle Mcfarland attend?

Genelle Mcfarland attended University Of Wisconsin - Whitewater, University Of Wisconsin - Whitewater. and Carthage College.

What is Genelle Mcfarland's role in his workplace?

Genelle Mcfarland has skills like Microsoft Office, Teamwork, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Time Management, and Customer Service.

Who are Genelle Mcfarland's colleagues?

Genelle Mcfarland's colleagues are Sandi Okruszynski, Sandi Okruszynski, Jaime Suro, Jaime Suro, Garrett Russert, Garrett Russert, Paul Miller, Paul Miller, Jerry Serketich, Jerry Serketich, and Bill Rieboldt. and Grandpa Stadler.

Who are Genelle Mcfarland's peers at other companies?

Genelle Mcfarland's peers at other companies are Amy Dubridge, Severine Bousch, Marcel Ffp, Clémence Vissac, Jeffrey Cockfield, and Edwige Lemarchand. and Allan Oung. Genelle Mcfarland's peers at other companies are Amy Dubridge, Severine Bousch, Marcel Ffp, Clémence Vissac, Jeffrey Cockfield, and Edwige Lemarchand. and Allan Oung.