Gene Porter

Gene Porter Email and Phone Number

Accounting Manager @ Mori Luggage & Gifts
atlanta, georgia, united states

Gene Porter's Contact Information

Gene Porter personal email


Gene Porter's Current Company Details

Mori Luggage & Gifts

Accounting Manager
atlanta, georgia, united states
My goal is to obtain a position where I can utilize my business and educational experience to make a contribution to an organization, which will lead to a long-term relationship. Although I am experienced with general Business Administration, Departmental Management, and Store Management, I have also had experiences with retail sales, warehouse and production line work. Comfortable with staff training and development, and communicating with the CEO. At ease with analytical research and report preparation with a focus on detail and accuracy.

Gene Porter Work Experience

    Accounting Manager
    Mori Luggage & Gifts Jan 96 - Sep 07 · 11 yrs 8 mos
    Atlanta, Georgia, United States
    * ·Responsible for gathering and processing all accounting data to be passed to outside accounting firm for the production of the corporation’s financial statements. * ·Managed accounting staff of three in A/P, A/R, store sales audit, payroll, insurance and 401k benefits. * ·Coded and entered invoices into the G/L on a daily basis. * ·Batched A/P each week and printed checks. * ·Prepared a weekly cash flow report/forecast and reviewed it with the Owner/CEO. * ·Maintained seven bank accounts and processed money transfers between banks. * ·Responsible for the timely payment of all taxes. * ·Liaison for information gathering and problem resolution with independent auditors. * ·Assisted with research of variances in the G/L and Income statement. * ·Reviewed monthly recurring journal entries for proper recording. * ·Responsible for the office mainframe computer, and all store cash registers and equipment. * ·Managed the upkeep of the alarm and security systems.

Gene Porter Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Gene Porter

What company does Gene Porter work for?

Gene Porter works for Mori Luggage & Gifts

What is Gene Porter's role in his/her workplace?

Gene Porter's role in his/her workplace is Accounting Manager.

Which industry does Gene Porter work in currently?

Gene Porter works in the industry Retail.

What is Gene Porter's email address?

Gene Porter's email address is

What schools did Gene Porter attend?

Gene Porter attended Arkansas State University, Arkansas State University. Southern Arkansas University, Southern Arkansas University. and Arkansas State University.

What is Gene Porter's role in his workplace?

Gene Porter has skills like Variance Analysis, Accounting, Cash Flow, Payroll, and Invoicing.

Who are Gene Porter's colleagues?

Gene Porter's colleagues are Faytisha Greene, Faytisha Greene, Mark Farah, Mark Farah, Jaisy Green, Jaisy Green, Darlene Procopio, Darlene Procopio, Daniel Diaz, Daniel Diaz, and Detria Smith. and George Mori.

Who are Gene Porter's peers at other companies?

Gene Porter's peers at other companies are Francesca Corvasce, Samantha Vaughan, Nicole Anderson, Jorge Camacho, Magnus Täfander, and David Wyatt. and Martha Mahan-Porta. Gene Porter's peers at other companies are Francesca Corvasce, Samantha Vaughan, Nicole Anderson, Jorge Camacho, Magnus Täfander, and David Wyatt. and Martha Mahan-Porta.