Gabriel Miranda

Gabriel Miranda Email and Phone Number

sao jose do rio preto, sao paulo, brazil

Gabriel Miranda's Current Company Details

Funfarme - Hospital De Base

sao jose do rio preto, sao paulo, brazil
Medical Practice

Gabriel Miranda Work Experience

    Funfarme - Hospital De Base Aug 20 - Present · 4 yrs 6 mos
    Sao Jose Do Rio Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil
    Imagen Center Rio Preto Aug 19 - Aug 20 · 1 yr

Gabriel Miranda Education

    Famerp - Faculdade De Medicina De São José Do Rio Preto
    Universidade Paulista
    2015 - 2018

Frequently Asked Questions about Gabriel Miranda

What company does Gabriel Miranda work for?

Gabriel Miranda works for Funfarme - Hospital De Base

What is Gabriel Miranda's role in his/her workplace?

Gabriel Miranda's role in his/her workplace is Biomedico.

Which industry does Gabriel Miranda work in currently?

Gabriel Miranda works in the industry Medical Practice.

What schools did Gabriel Miranda attend?

Gabriel Miranda attended Famerp - Faculdade De Medicina De São José Do Rio Preto, Famerp - Faculdade De Medicina De São José Do Rio Preto. and Universidade Paulista.

Who are Gabriel Miranda's colleagues?

Gabriel Miranda's colleagues are Sinara Lopes, Sinara Lopes, Jaqueline Pereira, Jaqueline Pereira, Simone Marques, Simone Marques, Camila Boas, Camila Boas, Amanda Marquioli, Amanda Marquioli, and Ana Cavicchio. and Laura De Oliveira.

Who are Gabriel Miranda's peers at other companies?

Gabriel Miranda's peers at other companies are Barbara Faulkner, Rachel Atchison, Muhammad Ahmed, Léa Blondel, Federico Bacci, and Christine Calhoun. and Luca Tamburrini. Gabriel Miranda's peers at other companies are Barbara Faulkner, Rachel Atchison, Muhammad Ahmed, Léa Blondel, Federico Bacci, and Christine Calhoun. and Luca Tamburrini.