Franco Reboredo

Franco Reboredo Email and Phone Number

Relationship Manager @ Bank Of The Philippine Islands (bpi)
manila, manila, philippines

Franco Reboredo's Current Company Details

Bank Of The Philippine Islands (Bpi)

Relationship Manager
manila, manila, philippines
Communications professional with experienced of working in an FMCG industry, Events Management Industry, and NGOs. Skilled in Public Relations, Design & Production, Communication Audit & Plan, Customer Management, Sales & Marketing Operations, and Project Management. Supported by an educational background of Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Communication in De La Salle University - Manila.

Franco Reboredo Work Experience

Franco Reboredo Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Franco Reboredo

What company does Franco Reboredo work for?

Franco Reboredo works for Bank Of The Philippine Islands (Bpi)

What is Franco Reboredo's role in his/her workplace?

Franco Reboredo's role in his/her workplace is Relationship Manager.

Which industry does Franco Reboredo work in currently?

Franco Reboredo works in the industry Banking.

What schools did Franco Reboredo attend?

Franco Reboredo attended De La Salle University.

Who are Franco Reboredo's colleagues?

Franco Reboredo's colleagues are Carol Mendoza, Carol Mendoza, Lorene Ting, Lorene Ting, Alexis Reyes, Alexis Reyes, Lorence Arriola, Lorence Arriola, Maria Verdillo, Maria Verdillo, and Nikki Cadiena. and Melmar Dela Fuente.

Who are Franco Reboredo's peers at other companies?

Franco Reboredo's peers at other companies are Mansanas Grace, Rajendar Giri, Beatrice Bischoff, Damian Van Der Westhuizen, Harish Thakre, and Marta Baggi. and Mukund Joshi. Franco Reboredo's peers at other companies are Mansanas Grace, Rajendar Giri, Beatrice Bischoff, Damian Van Der Westhuizen, Harish Thakre, and Marta Baggi. and Mukund Joshi.