Francine Shay

Francine Shay Email and Phone Number

west palm beach, florida, united states

Francine Shay's Current Company Details

Lewis, Longman & Walker

west palm beach, florida, united states
Legal Services
Credentials as Florida Registered Paralegal and Certified Paralegal (NALA), active in professional associations, advisory boards, writing and speaking, with focus on career development and law firm ethics. Specialties: Land Use, Environmental Law, Governmental Law, Litigation

Francine Shay Work Experience

    Senior Paralegal
    West Palm Beach, Florida, United States
    Certified Paralegal (CP) and Florida Registered Paralegal (FRP) focusing on litigation, land use, environmental law, and governmental law.

Francine Shay Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Francine Shay

What company does Francine Shay work for?

Francine Shay works for Lewis, Longman & Walker

Which industry does Francine Shay work in currently?

Francine Shay works in the industry Legal Services.

What is Francine Shay's email address?

Francine Shay's email address is

What is Francine Shay's direct phone number?

Francine Shay's direct phone number is +15613080872

What schools did Francine Shay attend?

Francine Shay attended City University Of New York - Brooklyn College.

What are some of Francine Shay's interests?

Francine Shay has interests in Christianity, Christianity. Cooking, Cooking. Exercise, Exercise. Investing, Investing. Sweepstakes, Sweepstakes. Electronics, Electronics. Home Improvement, Home Improvement. Reading, Reading. Music, Music. Automobiles, Automobiles. Dogs, Dogs. Family Values, Family Values. Travel, Travel. Movies, Movies. and Home Decoration.

Who are Francine Shay's colleagues?

Francine Shay's colleagues are Nicole Poot, Nicole Poot, Wayne Flowers, Wayne Flowers, Brenna Durden, Brenna Durden, Tara Duhy, Tara Duhy, Michelle Diffenderfer, Michelle Diffenderfer, and Kylie Werk. and Seth Behn.

Who are Francine Shay's peers at other companies?

Francine Shay's peers at other companies are Dáša Krupová, Alejandra Rodriguez, José Vergara, Raechel Heuer, Nikhila Pinapala, and Praise Banda. and Julie Fulcher. Francine Shay's peers at other companies are Dáša Krupová, Alejandra Rodriguez, José Vergara, Raechel Heuer, Nikhila Pinapala, and Praise Banda. and Julie Fulcher.