Flaviu Oltean

Flaviu Oltean Email and Phone Number

numancia de la sagra, toledo, spain

Flaviu Oltean's Current Company Details


La Sagra Cerveza Castellana

numancia de la sagra, toledo, spain
Food & Beverages

Flaviu Oltean Work Experience

Flaviu Oltean Education

  • cervezalasagra.es
    I.E.S Universidad Laboral
    2019 - 2021

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Frequently Asked Questions about Flaviu Oltean

What company does Flaviu Oltean work for?

Flaviu Oltean works for La Sagra Cerveza Castellana

Which industry does Flaviu Oltean work in currently?

Flaviu Oltean works in the industry Food & Beverages.

What schools did Flaviu Oltean attend?

Flaviu Oltean attended I.e.s Universidad Laboral.

Who are Flaviu Oltean's colleagues?

Flaviu Oltean's colleagues are Olivier Garcias, Olivier Garcias, Cerveza La Sagra, Cerveza La Sagra, Julieth Parra, Julieth Parra, Aroa Cañizares, Aroa Cañizares, Manuel Mulero, Manuel Mulero, and Roberto Fuentes. and Julio Pulido.

Who are Flaviu Oltean's peers at other companies?

Flaviu Oltean's peers at other companies are Stephen Barnett, Alma Ronquillo, Ahmad Awan, Michael A, Courtney Pitts, and Denver Flestado. and Sandrine Coste. Flaviu Oltean's peers at other companies are Stephen Barnett, Alma Ronquillo, Ahmad Awan, Michael A, Courtney Pitts, and Denver Flestado. and Sandrine Coste.