Flavio Mennella

Flavio Mennella Email and Phone Number

Avvocato @ Studio Legale

Flavio Mennella's Current Company Details


Studio Legale

Legal Services

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Frequently Asked Questions about Flavio Mennella

What company does Flavio Mennella work for?

Flavio Mennella works for Studio Legale

What is Flavio Mennella's role in his/her workplace?

Flavio Mennella's role in his/her workplace is Avvocato.

Which industry does Flavio Mennella work in currently?

Flavio Mennella works in the industry Legal Services.

Who are Flavio Mennella's colleagues?

Flavio Mennella's colleagues are Valentina Albanello, Valentina Albanello, Fabio Corradi, Fabio Corradi, Eliisabetta Gizzi, Eliisabetta Gizzi, Barbara Dadati, Barbara Dadati, Pino Di Sebastiano, Pino Di Sebastiano, and Raffaella Marano. and Daniela Sartore.

Who are Flavio Mennella's peers at other companies?

Flavio Mennella's peers at other companies are Bibiana Biavatti, Charles Wohlfert, Oliver Cheng, Catherine Huang, Chloeleigh Lodge, and Ingrid Morrema. and Rebecca Williams. Flavio Mennella's peers at other companies are Bibiana Biavatti, Charles Wohlfert, Oliver Cheng, Catherine Huang, Chloeleigh Lodge, and Ingrid Morrema. and Rebecca Williams.