Firda Renanda

Firda Renanda Email and Phone Number

bogor, jawa barat, indonesia

Firda Renanda's Current Company Details

Jungleland Adventure Theme Park

bogor, jawa barat, indonesia
Recreational Facilities And Services

Firda Renanda Work Experience

    Intern : Marketing Communication
    Jungleland Adventure Theme Park Aug 14 - Oct 14 · 2 mos
    Bogor, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
    Membuat press release Membuat laporan bulanan Membuat laporan harian Mencari calon potensial partnership Handling event Documentasi event

Firda Renanda Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Firda Renanda

What company does Firda Renanda work for?

Firda Renanda works for Jungleland Adventure Theme Park

Which industry does Firda Renanda work in currently?

Firda Renanda works in the industry Recreational Facilities And Services.

What schools did Firda Renanda attend?

Firda Renanda attended Universitas Mercu Buana.

What is Firda Renanda's role in his workplace?

Firda Renanda has skills like Public Speaking, Public Relations, Marketing Communications, Microsoft Office, and Social Media.

Who are Firda Renanda's colleagues?

Firda Renanda's colleagues are Umar Maruf, Umar Maruf, Syaiful Bakhtiar, Syaiful Bakhtiar, Euniqe Ranti, Euniqe Ranti, Tuti Alawiyah, Tuti Alawiyah, Lucky Hgs, Lucky Hgs, and Ade Purnawan. and Wijaya Setiawan.

Who are Firda Renanda's peers at other companies?

Firda Renanda's peers at other companies are Laura Cutrona, Mary Woodson, Bob Townsend, Nastasia Van Rooyen, Summer Guido, and Lauryn Mellor. and Mihwa Lyu. Firda Renanda's peers at other companies are Laura Cutrona, Mary Woodson, Bob Townsend, Nastasia Van Rooyen, Summer Guido, and Lauryn Mellor. and Mihwa Lyu.