Fernando Oliveira

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Fernando Oliveira's Current Company Details


Perfil Soluçoes Controles Organizacionais

Chief Executive Officer
Facilities Services

Fernando Oliveira Work Experience

Fernando Oliveira Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Fernando Oliveira

What company does Fernando Oliveira work for?

Fernando Oliveira works for Perfil Soluçoes Controles Organizacionais

What is Fernando Oliveira's role in his/her workplace?

Fernando Oliveira's role in his/her workplace is Chief Executive Officer.

Which industry does Fernando Oliveira work in currently?

Fernando Oliveira works in the industry Facilities Services.

What is Fernando Oliveira's email address?

Fernando Oliveira's email address is fernando@perfilcontroles.com.br

What schools did Fernando Oliveira attend?

Fernando Oliveira attended Trevisan Escola De Negócios, Trevisan Escola De Negócios. and Centro Universitário Santana São Paulo - Unisantana.

What are some of Fernando Oliveira's interests?

Fernando Oliveira has interests in Social Services, Social Services. and Children.

What is Fernando Oliveira's role in his workplace?

Fernando Oliveira has skills like Sap Erp, Ifrs, and Usgaap.

Who are Fernando Oliveira's colleagues?

Fernando Oliveira's colleagues are

Who are Fernando Oliveira's peers at other companies?

Fernando Oliveira's peers at other companies are Joe Pitman, Sabrina Ahmed, Matthew Halvorson, Delmer Traylor, Keith Conrad, and Stewart Johnsen. and Nicola Heal. Fernando Oliveira's peers at other companies are Joe Pitman, Sabrina Ahmed, Matthew Halvorson, Delmer Traylor, Keith Conrad, and Stewart Johnsen. and Nicola Heal.