Feri Gunawan

Feri Gunawan Email and Phone Number

Infrastructure Architect @ Toyota Astra Motor

Feri Gunawan's Contact Details

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Feri Gunawan's Current Company Details


Toyota Astra Motor

Infrastructure Architect
Experienced as Office Automation and IT Security with a demonstrated history of working in the automotive industry. Strong engineering professional skilled in IT Security devices, Windows OS, Cisco Product, Internet filtering and Skype for Business.

Feri Gunawan Work Experience

  • toyota.astra.co.id
    Office Automation And It Security
    Toyota Astra Motor Jun 12 - Mar 18 · 5 yrs 9 mos
    * Position: IT Staff * Industry: Main Distributor (Brand Toyota) * Location: Jakarta, Indonesia * Role and Responsibilities: * Develop proposal project (single paper style) * Prepare and manage project schedule * Manage office automation operations (domain, email, print, file share, MDM, conference, etc,) * Manage server storage operations (physical and virtualization) * Manage security operations (anti-virus, anti-malware, anti-spam, WAF, internet filtering, etc.) * Manage cloud services for several workload * Analyze and recommend solution for trouble * Create SOP and perform end user training
  • toyota.astra.co.id
    It Helpdesk
    Artajasa Pembayaran Elektronis Nov 11 - Apr 12 · 5 mos
    Selatan, East Java, Indonesia
    * Industry: Multi-Finance * Location: Jakarta, Indonesia * Role and Responsibilities * Monitor payment transactions * Complain handling from clients * Network issue investigation
  • toyota.astra.co.id
    Infrastructure Architect
    Toyota Astra Motor Mar 18 - Present · 6 yrs 11 mos
    * Position: IT Officer * Industry: Main Distributor (Brand Toyota) * Location: Jakarta, Indonesia * Role and Responsibilities: * Develop proposal project (single paper style) * Prepare and manage project schedule until closing * Study for new technologies and recommend solution based on comparison * Analyze and review infrastructure architecture design (on premises and cloud services) * Develop server storage blueprint and infrastructure technology roadmap * Planning cycle for infrastructure project * Develop server storage architecture standard

Feri Gunawan Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Feri Gunawan

What company does Feri Gunawan work for?

Feri Gunawan works for Toyota Astra Motor

What is Feri Gunawan's role in his/her workplace?

Feri Gunawan's role in his/her workplace is Infrastructure Architect.

Which industry does Feri Gunawan work in currently?

Feri Gunawan works in the industry Automotive.

What is Feri Gunawan's email address?

Feri Gunawan's email address is feri.gunawan7@gmail.com

What schools did Feri Gunawan attend?

Feri Gunawan attended Binus University.

What are some of Feri Gunawan's interests?

Feri Gunawan has interest in Science And Technology, Science And Technology. Education, Education. and Health.

Who are Feri Gunawan's colleagues?

Feri Gunawan's colleagues are Linda Lutf, Linda Lutf, Zen Arifin, Zen Arifin, Hary Hardiana, Hary Hardiana, Untung Wagiyono, Untung Wagiyono, Rizki Riadhy, Rizki Riadhy, and Sony Kamilie. and Doddy Pratama.

Who are Feri Gunawan's peers at other companies?

Feri Gunawan's peers at other companies are Matt Daily, Bhagwan Waghchaure, Jeremiah Moran, Sathis Kumar, Guillermina Toriano, and Tyson Meng. and Thierry Kanengieser. Feri Gunawan's peers at other companies are Matt Daily, Bhagwan Waghchaure, Jeremiah Moran, Sathis Kumar, Guillermina Toriano, and Tyson Meng. and Thierry Kanengieser.