Felix De La Cruz

Felix De La Cruz Email and Phone Number

Especialista En Ventas @ Corporation Withmory
lima, lima region, peru

Felix De La Cruz's Current Company Details


Corporation Withmory

Especialista En Ventas
lima, lima region, peru

Felix De La Cruz Work Experience

  • cwithmory.com
    Consultor De Marketing En Redes Sociales
    Municipalidad De Brena May 15 - Dec 18 · 3 yrs 7 mos
  • cwithmory.com
    Especialista En Ventas
    Corporation Withmory May 23 - Present · 1 yr 8 mos
    Lima, Lima, Peru
  • cwithmory.com
    Ejecutivo De Ventas
    Maquinarias Uguil Oct 19 - May 23 · 3 yrs 7 mos
    Lima, Lima, Peru

Felix De La Cruz Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Felix De La Cruz

What company does Felix De La Cruz work for?

Felix De La Cruz works for Corporation Withmory

What is Felix De La Cruz's role in his/her workplace?

Felix De La Cruz's role in his/her workplace is Especialista En Ventas.

Which industry does Felix De La Cruz work in currently?

Felix De La Cruz works in the industry Machinery.

What schools did Felix De La Cruz attend?

Felix De La Cruz attended Zegel Ipae.

What is Felix De La Cruz's role in his workplace?

Felix De La Cruz has skills like Websphere Message Broker, Venta De Propiedades Comerciales, Marketing Digital, and Marketing.

Who are Felix De La Cruz's colleagues?

Felix De La Cruz's colleagues are Daniel Coronel, Daniel Coronel, Alvaro Medina, Alvaro Medina, Luis Bazán, Luis Bazán, Franco Ferrari, Franco Ferrari, Isora Suarez, Isora Suarez, and Renzo Vasquez. and Ernesto Barrios.

Who are Felix De La Cruz's peers at other companies?

Felix De La Cruz's peers at other companies are Greg Schiefelbein, Rogério Pinheiro, Lisa Allong, Pallab Bhattacharya, Amy Cooper, and Angela Grant. and Brian Mcnabb. Felix De La Cruz's peers at other companies are Greg Schiefelbein, Rogério Pinheiro, Lisa Allong, Pallab Bhattacharya, Amy Cooper, and Angela Grant. and Brian Mcnabb.