Faiz Rahman

Faiz Rahman Email and Phone Number

Telecommunications Officer @ Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited

Faiz Rahman's Contact Information

Faiz Rahman work email

Faiz Rahman personal email


Faiz Rahman's Current Company Details


Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited

Telecommunications Officer

Faiz Rahman Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Faiz Rahman

What company does Faiz Rahman work for?

Faiz Rahman works for Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited

What is Faiz Rahman's role in his/her workplace?

Faiz Rahman's role in his/her workplace is Telecommunications Officer.

Which industry does Faiz Rahman work in currently?

Faiz Rahman works in the industry Telecommunications.

What is Faiz Rahman's email address?

Faiz Rahman's email address is faiz4_rahman@yahoo.co.in

What schools did Faiz Rahman attend?

Faiz Rahman attended Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati, Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati. and Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati.

Who are Faiz Rahman's colleagues?

Faiz Rahman's colleagues are Shobhraj Meena, Shobhraj Meena, Pramod Patil, Pramod Patil, Priya Varma, Priya Varma, Tushar Kant, Tushar Kant, Jishitha Subin, Jishitha Subin, and Sneha Pillai. and Paresh Solanki.

Who are Faiz Rahman's peers at other companies?

Faiz Rahman's peers at other companies are Babatunde Ajayi, Justin Quinnell, Gerardo Cantu, Laimis Abakas, Shahzad Ali, and Koshy Varughese. and Mahmoud Banat. Faiz Rahman's peers at other companies are Babatunde Ajayi, Justin Quinnell, Gerardo Cantu, Laimis Abakas, Shahzad Ali, and Koshy Varughese. and Mahmoud Banat.