Fady Ibrahim

Fady Ibrahim Email and Phone Number

Executive Research And Development Fp And A @ Bristol-myers Squibb
new jersey, united states

Fady Ibrahim's Contact Information

Fady Ibrahim personal email


Fady Ibrahim's Current Company Details


Bristol-Myers Squibb

Executive Research And Development Fp And A
new jersey, united states
Accounting & Finance professional with 15+ years of experience across various industries, most recently in pharma within the commercial organization.

Fady Ibrahim Work Experience

  • bms.com
    Executive Research And Development Fp And A
    New Jersey, United States
  • bms.com
    Research And Development Resource Allocation Capability Implementation Lead
    Bristol-Myers Squibb End date missing
    New Jersey, United States
  • bms.com
    Senior Director, Us Immunology Finance
    Bristol-Myers Squibb End date missing
    New Jersey, United States

Fady Ibrahim Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Fady Ibrahim

What company does Fady Ibrahim work for?

Fady Ibrahim works for Bristol-Myers Squibb

What is Fady Ibrahim's role in his/her workplace?

Fady Ibrahim's role in his/her workplace is Executive Research And Development Fp And A.

Which industry does Fady Ibrahim work in currently?

Fady Ibrahim works in the industry Pharmaceuticals.

What is Fady Ibrahim's email address?

Fady Ibrahim's email address is fibrahim@kpmg.com

What schools did Fady Ibrahim attend?

Fady Ibrahim attended Monmouth University.

Who are Fady Ibrahim's colleagues?

Fady Ibrahim's colleagues are Lorena Winston, Lorena Winston, Milfred Fernandes, Milfred Fernandes, Zhenqiu Hong, Zhenqiu Hong, Nicholas Defelice, Nicholas Defelice, Angelina Dwyer, Angelina Dwyer, and James Martin. and Traci Dalton.

Who are Fady Ibrahim's peers at other companies?

Fady Ibrahim's peers at other companies are Eslam Ahmed, Kathleen Bensel, Saad Anwer, Claudio Nicita, Andrew Stonkus, and Frank Matuszewski. and Sirjana Shrestha. Fady Ibrahim's peers at other companies are Eslam Ahmed, Kathleen Bensel, Saad Anwer, Claudio Nicita, Andrew Stonkus, and Frank Matuszewski. and Sirjana Shrestha.