Michael Eyasu

Michael Eyasu Email and Phone Number

Associate - Mbs Trading @ Fannie Mae
washington, district of columbia, united states

Michael Eyasu's Contact Information

Michael Eyasu personal email


Michael Eyasu's Current Company Details


Fannie Mae

Associate - Mbs Trading
washington, district of columbia, united states
Financial Services
Experienced international economist with a demonstrated history of working in the international trade and investment field. Skilled in policy analysis, econometrics, market access research, industry analysis, Microsoft Office Suite, and Stata. Strong professional with a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) focused in International Economics from University of Northern Colorado. Currently pursuing a master's degree in International Trade and Investment Policy at the George Washington University.

Michael Eyasu Work Experience

  • fanniemae.com
    Associate - Mbs Trading
    Washington, District Of Columbia, United States
  • fanniemae.com
    Intern With The U.S. International Trade Commission
    U.S. International Trade Commission Aug 17 - Jan 18 · 5 mos
    Washington, District Of Columbia, United States
    * o Assisted in questionnaire distribution and collection of industry data for new petitions filed by domestic producers * o Attended conferences and hearings on trade-related investigations * o Wrote a report for a five-year review of an antidumping investigation into “Steel Wire Garment Hangers” from Vietnam and Taiwan.
  • fanniemae.com
    Customer Service
    Los Angeles, California, United States
  • fanniemae.com
    Diversity Mentor
    Unc Housing And Residential Education Jan 14 - May 14 · 4 mos
    * o Provided individual support to students in the residence halls who are struggling with issues involving social identity and cultural differences. * o Developed interactive and innovative programs in the residence halls and for the campus community around diversity. * o Promoted student success by building personal relationships and by making sure to create an inclusive environment in the resident halls. * o Presented on topics of diversity up to group size of 30 people during Resident Assistant training
  • fanniemae.com
    Department Of Commerce Ita Jan 18 - Dec 18 · 11 mos
    * o Perform research and analyses on a wide range of trade and cross-sectoral policy issues affecting U.S. competitiveness. * o Assist senior staff in preparations for bilateral and multilateral negotiations by conducting research on the impact * of particular tariff and non-tariff measure changes on U.S. industry. * o Assist senior staff in preparing analyses and policy recommendations for Executive Branch actions under U.S. trade laws such as Section 301 (unfair trade practices), Super 301, and Section 201 and 421 (Safeguards).
  • fanniemae.com
    Financial Analyst
    Wells Fargo End date missing
    San Francisco, California, United States
  • fanniemae.com
    Vice President
    Unc African Student Association Aug 15 - Aug 16 · 1 yr
    o Summon and preside over all general, executive, and emergency meetings o Provide a forum for the discussion of issues pertaining to Africa o Coordinate conference trips for club members o Recruited members by setting up tables around campus
  • fanniemae.com
    Student Assistant
    Unc Disability Support Services Apr 15 - Aug 16 · 1 yr 4 mos
    * o Administered exams for students with disability, * o Worked in teams to facilitate final exams for large group of students with different * needs * o Gained critical skills in working with diverse group of students and individuals with * different background

Michael Eyasu Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Michael Eyasu

What company does Michael Eyasu work for?

Michael Eyasu works for Fannie Mae

What is Michael Eyasu's role in his/her workplace?

Michael Eyasu's role in his/her workplace is Associate - Mbs Trading.

Which industry does Michael Eyasu work in currently?

Michael Eyasu works in the industry Financial Services.

What is Michael Eyasu's email address?

Michael Eyasu's email address is michael.eyasu@wellsfargo.com

What schools did Michael Eyasu attend?

Michael Eyasu attended The George Washington University, The George Washington University. The George Washington University, The George Washington University. University Of Northern Colorado, University Of Northern Colorado. and University Of Northern Colorado.

What are some of Michael Eyasu's interests?

Michael Eyasu has interests in Social Services, Social Services. Economic Empowerment, Economic Empowerment. Civil Rights And Social Action, Civil Rights And Social Action. Politics, Politics. Education, Education. Environment, Environment. Poverty Alleviation, Poverty Alleviation. Science And Technology, Science And Technology. Disaster And Humanitarian Relief, Disaster And Humanitarian Relief. and Human Rights.

Who are Michael Eyasu's colleagues?

Michael Eyasu's colleagues are Ryta Goodyear, Ryta Goodyear, Yogesh Bajaj, Yogesh Bajaj, Eva Moore, Eva Moore, Kati Fisher, Kati Fisher, Khin Htet, Khin Htet, and Xiayang Yan. and Elliot Dickerson.

Who are Michael Eyasu's peers at other companies?

Michael Eyasu's peers at other companies are Ruhi Gulati, Justin Hoekman, Andrea Silvestrin, Surendra Singh, Perseverance Mathebula, and Stephen Malixi. and Brad Dossinger. Michael Eyasu's peers at other companies are Ruhi Gulati, Justin Hoekman, Andrea Silvestrin, Surendra Singh, Perseverance Mathebula, and Stephen Malixi. and Brad Dossinger.