Ersida Mukaj

Ersida Mukaj Email and Phone Number

Menaxhere Ne Maxoptika Medrese @ Max Optika
tirana, tirane, albania

Ersida Mukaj's Current Company Details

Max Optika

Menaxhere Ne Maxoptika Medrese
tirana, tirane, albania

Ersida Mukaj Work Experience

    Menaxhere Ne Maxoptika Medrese
    Tirana, Tirane, Albania

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Frequently Asked Questions about Ersida Mukaj

What company does Ersida Mukaj work for?

Ersida Mukaj works for Max Optika

What is Ersida Mukaj's role in his/her workplace?

Ersida Mukaj's role in his/her workplace is Menaxhere Ne Maxoptika Medrese.

Which industry does Ersida Mukaj work in currently?

Ersida Mukaj works in the industry Retail.

Who are Ersida Mukaj's colleagues?

Ersida Mukaj's colleagues are Lekalda Rodhaj, Lekalda Rodhaj, Adela Nazëraj, Adela Nazëraj, Lou Mukaj, Lou Mukaj, Armela Shehaj, Armela Shehaj, Brikena Hidri, Brikena Hidri, and Ilirjan Dauti. and Anxhela Pirgu.

Who are Ersida Mukaj's peers at other companies?

Ersida Mukaj's peers at other companies are Kc Stern, Giovana Lessa, Raeann Rooms, Manuel Zamora, Seloo_can Eflatun, and Denizy Maia. and Victoria Franzoi. Ersida Mukaj's peers at other companies are Kc Stern, Giovana Lessa, Raeann Rooms, Manuel Zamora, Seloo_can Eflatun, and Denizy Maia. and Victoria Franzoi.