Erneste Ndabananiye

Erneste Ndabananiye Email and Phone Number


Erneste Ndabananiye's Current Company Details

Ampersand Electric Motorcycles

Renewables & Environment
In 2018 school recommended training in Honest garage from April to June, in maintenance, and basic diagnostic, and basic engine overhaul of vehicles. In addition, I have to make volunteer for two months at Honest garage.2019 from February to April I am certified by Evonik industry in partnership with Manumetal Ltd in welding and I'm certified in Welding with WDA in partnership with Manumetal and I am certified by IPRC Musanze in welding with partnership GIZ and Mass build And 2020 March up to 17 December 2022 I was a welder in mass build,And from September 2022 up to now, I'm a welder in the Aknet construction

Erneste Ndabananiye Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Erneste Ndabananiye

What company does Erneste Ndabananiye work for?

Erneste Ndabananiye works for Ampersand Electric Motorcycles

Which industry does Erneste Ndabananiye work in currently?

Erneste Ndabananiye works in the industry Renewables & Environment.

Who are Erneste Ndabananiye's colleagues?

Erneste Ndabananiye's colleagues are Akimamanizanye Theddy, Akimamanizanye Theddy, Duncan Cornes, Duncan Cornes, Faith Sambai, Faith Sambai, Pascaline Umulisa, Pascaline Umulisa, Cyizere Confidence, Cyizere Confidence, and Jean Ndagijimana. and Reginah Onyango.

Who are Erneste Ndabananiye's peers at other companies?

Erneste Ndabananiye's peers at other companies are Pauline Guiraud, Michele Vitulano, Jose Rinaldo, Tracey Ward, Johan Friberg, and Elhassan Nsilla. and Carlotta Follesa. Erneste Ndabananiye's peers at other companies are Pauline Guiraud, Michele Vitulano, Jose Rinaldo, Tracey Ward, Johan Friberg, and Elhassan Nsilla. and Carlotta Follesa.