Erkan Onder

Erkan Onder Email and Phone Number

Maintenance And Repair Responsible @ Acibadem Healthcare Group

Erkan Onder's Current Company Details

Acibadem Healthcare Group

Maintenance And Repair Responsible
Hospital & Health Care

Erkan Onder Work Experience

Erkan Onder Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Erkan Onder

What company does Erkan Onder work for?

Erkan Onder works for Acibadem Healthcare Group

What is Erkan Onder's role in his/her workplace?

Erkan Onder's role in his/her workplace is Maintenance And Repair Responsible.

Which industry does Erkan Onder work in currently?

Erkan Onder works in the industry Hospital & Health Care.

What schools did Erkan Onder attend?

Erkan Onder attended Sivas Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi.

Who are Erkan Onder's colleagues?

Erkan Onder's colleagues are Melike Yıldırım, Melike Yıldırım, Zehra Mindivanli, Zehra Mindivanli, İrem Gören, İrem Gören, Pelin Güldal, Pelin Güldal, Ozgun Satilmis, Ozgun Satilmis, and Anisa Šišić. and Irmak Bilsel.

Who are Erkan Onder's peers at other companies?

Erkan Onder's peers at other companies are Lindsay Rowlands, Stephanie Ainsburg, Seth Clinkenbeard, Siméon Schaad, Rebecca Kelley, and Panagiotis Beltsidis. and Chanelle Norwoo. Erkan Onder's peers at other companies are Lindsay Rowlands, Stephanie Ainsburg, Seth Clinkenbeard, Siméon Schaad, Rebecca Kelley, and Panagiotis Beltsidis. and Chanelle Norwoo.