Erick Funte

Erick Funte Email and Phone Number

Nursing Preceptee @ Holy Cross Health
silver spring, maryland, united states

Erick Funte's Contact Information

Erick Funte work email

Erick Funte personal email


Erick Funte's Current Company Details

Holy Cross Health

Nursing Preceptee
silver spring, maryland, united states
Hospital & Health Care

Erick Funte Work Experience

Erick Funte Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Erick Funte

What company does Erick Funte work for?

Erick Funte works for Holy Cross Health

What is Erick Funte's role in his/her workplace?

Erick Funte's role in his/her workplace is Nursing Preceptee.

Which industry does Erick Funte work in currently?

Erick Funte works in the industry Hospital & Health Care.

What is Erick Funte's email address?

Erick Funte's email address is

What schools did Erick Funte attend?

Erick Funte attended University Of Maryland - Baltimore, University Of Maryland - Baltimore. and Montgomery College.

What is Erick Funte's role in his workplace?

Erick Funte has skills like Cerner/powerchart, Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Suite, English, Spanish, and Filipino/tagalog.

Who are Erick Funte's colleagues?

Erick Funte's colleagues are Kathy Waters, Kathy Waters, Karen Jerome, Karen Jerome, Minotte Germain, Minotte Germain, Patrick Ramsey, Patrick Ramsey, Raquel Fuentes, Raquel Fuentes, and Faith Polania. and Brian Hubert.

Who are Erick Funte's peers at other companies?

Erick Funte's peers at other companies are Dave Brault, Darren Skinner, Barry Walsh, Tia Correia, Rosa Perkins, and Soye Bekeangama. and Lynnette Dowell. Erick Funte's peers at other companies are Dave Brault, Darren Skinner, Barry Walsh, Tia Correia, Rosa Perkins, and Soye Bekeangama. and Lynnette Dowell.