Eric Bernardo

Eric Bernardo Email and Phone Number


Eric Bernardo's Current Company Details

Ufscar - Federal University Of São Carlos

Higher Education

Eric Bernardo Work Experience

Eric Bernardo Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Eric Bernardo

What company does Eric Bernardo work for?

Eric Bernardo works for Ufscar - Federal University Of São Carlos

What is Eric Bernardo's role in his/her workplace?

Eric Bernardo's role in his/her workplace is Mestrando.

Which industry does Eric Bernardo work in currently?

Eric Bernardo works in the industry Higher Education.

What schools did Eric Bernardo attend?

Eric Bernardo attended Swansea University, Swansea University. and Universidade Federal De São Carlos.

What is Eric Bernardo's role in his workplace?

Eric Bernardo has skills like Pesquisa, Matlab, C++, Trabalho Em Equipe, Microsoft Excel, Autodesk Inventor, Nanotecnologia, Nanomateriais, Semicondutores, and Transistor.

Who are Eric Bernardo's colleagues?

Eric Bernardo's colleagues are Teresinha Cera, Teresinha Cera, Carlos Santa Maria, Carlos Santa Maria, Gilberto Astolfi, Gilberto Astolfi, Fernando Gonçalo, Fernando Gonçalo, Elizabeth Salvador, Elizabeth Salvador, and Tales De Assis. and Juares Soares.

Who are Eric Bernardo's peers at other companies?

Eric Bernardo's peers at other companies are Intell Manalaysay, Mohammed Sammer, Laura Horrod, Teresa Calderon, Raymond Price, and Asad Qazi. and Jennifer Marler. Eric Bernardo's peers at other companies are Intell Manalaysay, Mohammed Sammer, Laura Horrod, Teresa Calderon, Raymond Price, and Asad Qazi. and Jennifer Marler.