Eric Legriffon

Eric Legriffon Email and Phone Number

Chef Monteur Électricien Sous Marin Barracuda @ Naval Group

Eric Legriffon's Current Company Details

Naval Group

Chef Monteur Électricien Sous Marin Barracuda
Defense & Space

Eric Legriffon Work Experience

    Chef De La Maintenance
    Naval Group End date missing
    Chef Monteur Électricien Sous Marin Barracuda
    Naval Group Jan 15 - Present · 10 yrs 1 mo

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Frequently Asked Questions about Eric Legriffon

What company does Eric Legriffon work for?

Eric Legriffon works for Naval Group

What is Eric Legriffon's role in his/her workplace?

Eric Legriffon's role in his/her workplace is Chef Monteur Électricien Sous Marin Barracuda.

Which industry does Eric Legriffon work in currently?

Eric Legriffon works in the industry Defense & Space.

Who are Eric Legriffon's colleagues?

Eric Legriffon's colleagues are Ahmed Hamdy, Ahmed Hamdy, Evelyne Driano, Evelyne Driano, Pauline Cadiou, Pauline Cadiou, Caroline Guedes, Caroline Guedes, Gaetan Andre, Gaetan Andre, and Virginie Richomme. and Christophe Leclercq.

Who are Eric Legriffon's peers at other companies?

Eric Legriffon's peers at other companies are Marco Iannelli, Joye Coffey, Alain Poton, Ruth Nee, Luke Holmes, and Bill Weinschenker. and Alan Gibney. Eric Legriffon's peers at other companies are Marco Iannelli, Joye Coffey, Alain Poton, Ruth Nee, Luke Holmes, and Bill Weinschenker. and Alan Gibney.