Eric Gerlach

Eric Gerlach Email and Phone Number

maryland heights, missouri, united states

Eric Gerlach's Contact Information

Eric Gerlach personal email


Eric Gerlach phone numbers

Eric Gerlach's Current Company Details

Quality Testing Services, Inc

maryland heights, missouri, united states
Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering
Quality Testing Services located in Beautiful Huntington Beach California has been performing HALT and HASS test services for over 16 years. During that time we have conducted 1000's of HALT experiments for 100's of different companies, industries and a very wide array of product types.QTS is ALSO a full service environmental test lab offering traditional thermal, humidity, vibration, shock, ESS, life testing, etc. We can accommodate numerous testing standards.

Eric Gerlach Work Experience

    Facililites Manager
    Aerojet Rocketdyne Jun 81 - Dec 96 · 15 yrs 6 mos
    Los Angeles, California, United States
    * Last position held was Facility Manager which was responsible the maintenance and operation of the Environmental Test Facility. * Our test lab supported many in-house programs and their wide variety of test requirments. * Was responsible for a 3 million dollar facility upgrade to the entire test lab while maintiang testing capabilities for the on going programs..
    Managing Engineer
    Qualmark Corporation Dec 96 - Sep 06 · 9 yrs 9 mos
    Hudsonville, Michigan, United States
    Opened the Southern California test facility and managed it for 10 years. Test services include HALT / HASS
    Quality Testing Services, Inc Sep 06 - Present · 18 yrs 3 mos
    Maryland Heights, Missouri, United States
    Quality Testing Servies located in Huntington Beach, CA. Our company specializes in HALT (Highly Accelerated Life Test) and HASS (Highly Accelerated Stress Screen). We have been serving Southern California and beyond for over 16 years from this location (formerly a Qualmark test lab).

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Frequently Asked Questions about Eric Gerlach

What company does Eric Gerlach work for?

Eric Gerlach works for Quality Testing Services, Inc

What is Eric Gerlach's role in his/her workplace?

Eric Gerlach's role in his/her workplace is Owner.

Which industry does Eric Gerlach work in currently?

Eric Gerlach works in the industry Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering.

What is Eric Gerlach's email address?

Eric Gerlach's email address is

What is Eric Gerlach's direct phone number?

Eric Gerlach's direct phone number is +17144016607